Thursday, October 29, 2009

T-Mobile G1 and Android: A Beginner Tutorial

So you've just bought a new T-mobile G1 phone — awesome! For those who don't know, the G1 comes pre-installed with an operating system made by Google, called Android. Android is an open source operating system for mobile phones, meaning that anyone can write new and helpful programs (which you can download for free! — more of this later). In this tutorial, we will go over some of the basics, such as how to change your 'desktop' appearance, how to connect to wirless networks, how to automatically import your contacts from your old sim card, how to copy and paste, how to connect your G1 to your computer, how to load pictures and movies, and a few other tips and tricks to help you navigate your new phone.

First of all, let's go over the buttons.


Let's start with the green 'call' button on the left hand side. Pressing this button will always take you to the 'dialer', so you can make a call, or check your contacts out. Once you are in the 'dialer' program, and you have selected a number, pressing this will make the call.

The 'home' button, signified by a little house, is the button you press whenever you want to return to your desktop. For instance, say you are in the dialer, or checking out your e-mail, pressing the 'home' button will put these in the background and show you the desktop.

The 'Menu' button is used whenever you want 'more options'. For instance, say you are looking at your call log; you may not immediately know how to clear your call log, but knowing that the menu button provides more options, you can assume that by first going to call log and then pressing menu will show you options to clear your call log. In fact, it does just this. Another example is if you are on your desktop, pressing the menu button will show a list of options that you can do on your desktop, such as changing settings, changing wallpaper, etc.

The 'back arrow' button does just that; say you are in the browser, pressing the 'back' button will take you to the last browser window. Similarly, it will also take you to the last program you used.

Red Call Button

The 'red' call button is used to end a call; however, it is also used to put the phone in temporary 'sleep' mode. This saves energy to extend the battery life of the phone; to wake the phone up, simply press this red button again and the phone will wake up. Holding this button will show the menu to Turn off the power to the phone. When the phone is turned off, to turn it back on simply hold this red button again, and the phone will turn on if it is sufficiently charged.

Wheel Ball

Lastly, the wheel ball in the middle of the phone is used for a few different purposes, and it may be weird, but you can press the mouse ball in and use it as a button. First, it is used for scrolling in the browser. Second, if you ever want to copy and paste this is the button you use. What you do is first see the text that you want to select. Then, either use your finger to select the text, or click the mouse ball and go to 'select all'. Once the text is selected, press the mouse ball in again and go to 'copy'. This will copy the text to the clipboard, and when you find somewhere you want to paste it to (yep, you guessed it!) just press the mouse ball in again and go to 'paste'. Anything can be copy and pasted, such as URL's or text from a website.

Now, lets go over a few things that I promised I'd show you how to do in this introductory Android User Tutorial.


To change the wallpaper, make sure you are on your desktop. If you are not, remember android allows you to simply press your 'home' button, which will bring you back to the desktop. Now, once you see the desktop, press the 'Menu' button. This should pop up a menu at the bottom of the screen. You should see a square that says 'wallpaper', which you should click with your finger. This brings up another menu; if you already have the pictures on your phone, either go to 'pictures' or 'wallpaper gallery' and select which picture you want to use. When you click the picture you want to use, you have the ability to move and resize what you want to actually appear on your background. Press in the middle of the orange selection square to move it around, while to resize it, click on the perimeter of the square. Once you have the selection you want, go to 'save' at the bottom. Hoorah! You've just set up your wallpaper!


However, if you don't have the picture you want, you can connect your G1 to your computer and load your pictures on it. To do this, use the mini-usb to usb cable that came with your T-Mobile G1 phone, and connect one end to the phone and the other end into the usb slot on your computer. Make sure your phone is turned on. Assuming you are using Windows Vista, after a second a popup should appear on your computer's desktop saying some sort of installation — don't worry if this doesn't happen. Now, look back to your phone. Look at the white bar that goes across the top of the screen. In the top right there should be a small icon, which means that your phone is ready to be 'connected' to your computer; what you do is press on this icon with your finger, and without letting up drag your finger down the screen a little bit. This will show the whole menu. Then click on the 'Mount' icon, and press ok to mount. What you have just done is connected your phone as a new drive on your computer. So, go to 'Computer' and then go to this new drive, it will probably be G: or something like that. Now, when you open it folders such as Pictures should be there. To load pictures onto your phone, simply copy any pictures from your computer into this G:\Pictures folder. For movies, do the same, except you will have to convert them to the right format (mpeg 4), which is outside the scope of this article. Wallah! Now you can put pictures on your G1 Android phone!


Now, let's show you how to connect to a wireless network. Go back to your desktop, and then press the Menu Key, and go to the 'Settings' box. Now click on 'Wireless Controls'. Next, click on Wi-Fi Settings. To add a new network, first click on Wi-Fi; once it is enabled (a green check mark appears), click on Add a Wi-Fi Network. Then, put in the correct information such as the password for the wireless network and such. This should automatically then connect to the network, and you are now using wireless (instead of G3 or E signal, which is slower). Hooray! A few notes is that your g1 doesn't automatically turn wi-fi on and off, you have to set it.; however, there is an option that you can setup under 'settings' which we won't go into.


Finally, if you want to import your contacts from an old sim card, there is a special option that does this for you. First, go to 'contacts'; if you can't find this, go to the dialer first (by pressing the green 'call' button) and then click on the third tab which is contacts. Now, press 'Menu', and then go to the 'settings' box that pops up. Then, click the option 'SIM contacts Importer'. This will show the contacts on your sim card. To import all of them, simply press 'menu' again, and go to import all. Wa-la! All your contacts can now be found under 'contacts'.

I hope you all enjoyed this basic tutorial for the T-Mobile G1 with Android installed. Good luck and happy calling!

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More #Onlineasishappens videos

Wedding catastrophre:

and the brides reaction video:


The Bride isn’t happy and decided to see all the grooms and best mans presents on ebay, which just happens to be 4 N900s and an around the world trip!

The bidding started at 10am GMT this morning, however the 1st item is already gone. All the items will be sold for only $1 each with Buy it Now, so head over to the brides page and see if you can bag yourself a N900 or even an around the world trip here! Its only running over the next 24 hours so hurry!

This looks like fun!


Podcast: Talking with Matt #17 (Nokia N900 special)

It’s time for another podcast (23 min) with Matthew Bennett:
- Audio version
- Video version

This week was all about the amazing Nokia N900!

We also discussed the N900 meetup we are planning on October 29th at 6:30 PM at Schroeder’s in San Francisco, the BlackBerry 9630 (Tour), and a few other things…

Click here to subscribe to this podcast.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Nokia 2323 Classic: Ponsel Murah Bisa E-mail

Tidak salah jika Anda mengira bahwa ponsel ini adalah Nokia 2330 classic, atau malah kesulitan membedakan keduanya. Salah sebut seperti ini akan biasa terjadi pada kedua ponsel yang memang memiliki banyak kemiripan. Cuma fasilitas kamera yang dipangkas pada 2323c. Ini cukup disayangkan karena fungsi phonebooknya yang bisa disisipi foto-foto.


Untungnya fasilitas radio masih dipertahankan. Untuk memainkannya diharuskan mencolokkan headset terlebih dulu, jadi jangan lupa untuk selalu membawa headset jika ingin selalu dihibur oleh ponsel yang masih miskin fitur multimedia ini.


Sebenarnya tersedia juga pemutar musik. Sayang tidak ada slot memori tambahan, sementara memori internalnya yang hanya 32MB paling cuma cukup menampung sekitar 10 lagu berformat MP3. Itu pun jika tidak ditanami aplikasi-aplikasi atau game tambahan.



Fungsi e-mail pada 2323c didukung juga oleh Ovi, yaitu layanan online dari Nokia yang menyediakan berbagai konten seperti ringtone, wallpaper, aplikasi, games, maps, e-mail, dan lainnya. Untuk mencicipi Ovi ini Anda cukup mengarahkan browser ke atau melalui aplikasi Ovi pada folder web services.

Kembali pada layanan e-mail. Fasilitas ini begitu diangkat oleh 2323c. Ini akan Anda rasakan ketika membuka fitur e-mail di mana Anda akan dibawa pada sebuah panduan (wisaya) untuk membuat e-mail baru di server Ovi. Hanya perlu dua langkah untuk memiliki akun e-mail di Ovi. Gampang bukan?


Dengan adanya Ovi ini segala hal konten online menjadi sangat mudah. Satu hal saja yang disayangkan, tidak ada tombol pintas untuk mempermudah akses ke email, meski tentu saja kita dapat memanfaatkan tombol yang ada menjadi pintasannya. Sedikit tambahan tentang e-mail Ovi, setiap akun e-mail akan beralamat di, kapasitas simpan 1GB dan sistem proteksi spam dan virus.


Apabila Anda sudah memiliki akun e-mail sendiri (bukan Ovi), disediakan juga sebuah panduan untuk pengaturannya. Kami mencobanya dengan mengaktifkan akun e-mail Yahoo dan Gmail. Dan ternyata ini juga mudah, hampir semudah ketika kami mengoperasikan Nokia-Nokia kelas atas, sebab fungsi e-mail di 2323c yang juga bisa secara otomatis mencari parameter-parameter sebuah layanan e-mail ke internet. Jadi dengan cuma modal username dan password saja kita sudah bisa mencicipi e-mail langsung di 2323c.


Namun tentu saja prosedur ini hanya berlaku untuk layanan e-mail berdomain terkenal. Untuk layanan e-mail private, seperti e-mail kantoran, kita harus memasukkan parameter POP, IMAP, dan SMTP secara manual. Oh ya, 2323c ini menyediakan juga fungsi automatic retrieval (cek email secara otomatis) untuk rentang 5 menit sampai 6 jam sekali.


Layar dan Tatap Muka

Ukuran layar 2323c memang masih tergolong sempit (1,8”), komposisi resolusi dan warna layarnya pun masih minim, 65 ribu warna dengan resolusi 128×160 pixel. Namun apa yang kami rasakan padanya ternyata cukup nyaman dan sejuk di mata. Icon-icon yang ditampilkannya pun tampak tajam dan sedikit interaktif karena ada sedikit efek-efek animasi setiap berpindah menu.


Sementara dalam hal perangkat lunak, platform S40 yang diusungnya ternyata cukup bekerja responsif saat mengekplorasi menu-menu. Menu utamanya sendiri tersusun dengan icon-icon bermatriks 3×3. Sisi menariknya, kita bisa mengatur dan memindah-mindahkan posisi setiap icon sesuai selera.


Desain dan Tombol

Sebagai keluarga classic, tampang 2323c masih setia dengan kesederhanaan dan minimalis. Model candybar-nya tidak kaku sebab setiap lekukan sudut yang dibuat dengan teknik rounding (melingkar), model ini yang diadopsi juga pada 6303 classic.


Bahan casing 2323c adalah plastik tidak mengilat dengan polesan warna gelap pada sekujur tubuhnya. Ketika kami genggam, ponsel ini begitu mantap di tangan dan tidak licin. Ada kesan elegan ketika menatapnya, aksen ini dikuatkan dengan tambahan sedikit warna-warna kalem seperti alur garis silver di pinggir layar, dan warna putih pada tombol navigasi.


Bahan tombol-tombol angka yang juga dari bahan plastik begitu empuk dan kenyal ketika dipencet-pencet. Semua tombol-tombolnya dibuat rata (tidak menonjol), tapi ukurannya cukup yang lapang membuatnya tetap nyaman saat dipakai ketak-ketik. Ponsel ini sepertinya memang akan memanjakan penggunanya untuk berpanjang-panjang menulis e-mail.



Ponsel murah berfasilitas email yang ramah untuk pengguna internet awam.


PLUS : Tanpa tombol pintas, tanpa memori tambahan.

MINUS: Panduan e-mail; fasilitas Ovi.


Spesifikasi Nokia 2323 Classic

Harga : Rp 750.000

Jaringan : GSM 900/1800 MHz; EDGE kelas 10; GPRS kelas 10

Form factor : candybar

Dimensi : 107×46x13,8 mm

Bobot : 76 gram (dengan baterai)

Baterai : Li-ion 1020 mAh

Waktu Bicara : 4 jam

Waktu Siaga : 540 jam

Layar : TFT 65 ribu warna, 1,8”, 128×160 pixel

Memori internal : 32MB

Memori tambahan : tidak ada

Fasilitas internet : Wap 2.0


Konektivitas antar peranti : Bluetooth 2.0

Kamera :tidak ada

Ringtone olyphonic

Phonebook :Share memory

Messaging : SMS; MMS

Aplikasi : Nokia S40, Java, audio recorder,alarm, kalender, notes, to-do-list, kalkulator, timer, stopwatch, dictionary, games (galaxy, snake EX2, sudok), Opera mini.

Lainnya: Radio FM mendukung RDS, pnduan pengaturan e-mail, Ovi


Sumber: Sinyal


Nah Lo..Nokia N900 Berbasis Linux Ditunda Penjualannya..??

Vendor ponsel papan atas Nokia menunda penjualan Nokia N900 hingga November.

Penundaan ini molor satu bulan dari jadwal yang sebelumnya telah ditetapkan. Juru bicara Nokia hanya menyebutkan bahwa pihaknya kini tengah menanti feedback dari para pengembang.

September silam Nokia secara resmi memperkenalkan seri N terbarunya, yang diberi nama N900. Ponsel ini digadang-gadang menjadi masa depan Nokia di pasaran ponsel kelas menengah ke atas.

Ponsel ini juga merupakan ponsel cerdas pertama besutan Nokia yang menggunakan peranti lunak berbasis Linux, Maemo 5.
Peranti lunak ini menjanjikan performa handset yang lebih unggul. Dengan Maemo 5, pengguna N900 bisa memiliki lusinan jendela aplikasi yang dibuka dan dijalankan secara bersamaan.

N900 dilengkapi dengan prosesor ARM Cortex-A8, aplikasi memori hingga 1GB dan akselerasi grafis OpenGL ES 2.0. Beragam perlengkapan ini menghasilkan sebuah ponsel layaknya komputer yang multitasking.

Untuk membuat browsing internet lebih mengasyikkan, Nokia N900 menghadirkan fitur layar sentuh WVGA resolusi tinggi dan akses internet cepat dengan WLAN dan 10/2 HSPA.

Kehadiran browser besutan Mozilla membuat tampilan website sama dengan ketika kita mengaksesnya dengan menggunakan komputer. Lebih menguntungkan lagi, peranti lunak Maemo dapat terupdate secara otomatis kapanpun ponsel terkoneksi dengan internet.

Untuk fotografi, gabungan antara peranti lunak Maemo dan teknologi N900 akan membantu pengguna mendapatkan hasil gambar yang jernih dan tajam dari kamera 5MP yang dilengkapi optik Carl Zeiss. Diperkirakan, Nokia membanderol harga N900 sekira 500 euro atau sekira Rp7,1 juta.

Sumber : Bpost

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Nokia Suing Apple!

According to a post on Engadget, Nokia seems to be suing Apple. The reason?

“…patent infringement lawsuit, claiming that “all iPhones models shipped” infringe on ten of Espoo’s patents relating to GSM, UMTS, and WiFi. According to Nokia’s press release, the patents in question have been licensed by some 40 other companies, “including virtually all the leading mobile device vendors…” – From Engadget.

So who’s side are you on? It quite a tense topic. Does Apple deserve it?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Win a trip to see Cheryl Cole

HERE’S a comp to get X-cited about! We’re offering the chance for one lucky reader and two pals to meet CHERYL COLE on the set of her new video – with Black Eyed Peas star WILL.I.AM!

The News of the World and Nokia have teamed up to offer this amazing prize, which includes travel to and from London and a night in a hotel.

The winner and their mates will be taken to the studio where Cheryl is shooting her vid for 3 Words.

PLUS Nokia and T-Mobile have got 25 Nokia 5800 edition phones to give away to our readers, too.

Nokia Music Store gives you access to more than six million tracks from the likes of Jay-Z, Leona Lewis, The Saturdays, Chipmunk and David Guetta.

Nokia has worked with all the major labels and top independents to ensure the most extensive choice of local and international artists. You can browse, listen and download songs as well as transfer them to your PC and mobile phone.

For details of how to win pick up your copy of the print edition News of the World this Sunday (25th October).


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Nokia E72 � homologado pela Anatel!

Esta notícia é excelente para os fãs do Nokia E71!!! A Anatel acabou de homologar o celular Nokia E72 (E72-2 RM-529), o que significa que o lançamento deste novo modelo pode estar muito próximo!!! O E72 será uma ótima opção para quem gosta de aparelhos muito compactos, com teclado QWERTY, e agora também com uma excelente câmera de 5megapixels e uma entrada padrão de 3,5mm para fones de ouvido.

O aparelho é basicamente um E71 com seus pequenos problemas resolvidos! Será que chega para o natal?  Vamos esperar para ver!!!

Manual em Português

Certificado de Conformidade

Fonte: Picolé Parcelado.


What’s the big hype about Conversational and Community Marketing?

Like the latest fad in fashion, Conversational and Community Marketing is all the rage in marketing today. So what’s so special about it? Do you really need to be bothered, or can you happily go about your business and ignore it?

None of us can escape the fact that the Internet has changed many things for businesses. In my earlier post, I talked about the growing importance for total transparency in everything from a company’s behavior to their pricing and profit margins. Guiding this need is the every growing Internet population of ‘Prosumers’, or rather ‘empowered shoppers.’ Although the size of the prosumer population has never been officially measured, we can figure it out by looking at people’s online behaviors.

For instance, if you look at the last years results from Forrester’s Technographics surveys, you see that:
•    10% of the UK online population read blogs
•    17% watch user generated videos
•    12% participate in discussion forums
•    and 20% read online reviews.
These are all behaviors of empowered shoppers. Let’s focus on the last point, the 20% who read reviews, which is the most common indicator of an empowered consumer.

Related US study by Forrester shows a similar breakdown of behaviors.

Nielson Netview estimates that there are 34,151,628 online Brits. So 20% of that figure is roughly 6.83 million Brits who we can classify as acting like prosumers. Granted, that still means there are still a good 27.3 million other online shoppers you could target. But consider this. If every one of the 6.83 million empowered shoppers talks to just 3 other people, your ‘informed shopper-base’ suddenly grows to 20.49 million shoppers! Suddenly, that 27.3 million has shrunk significantly. So it’s probably safest to treat everybody like a prosumer and get on with business.

Let’s look at it from another angle. What if 80% of your prosumer base doesn’t like your brand and trashes your products online? You have a serious problem on your hands, even if that 80% represents just 1% of your customer base. Because that 80% will promote their negative opinions to the rest of your customer base, encouraging them to flee in droves. On top of that, the percentage of the prosumer population is actually growing. So by next year, that 1% will increase to 2% and so on.

So what can you do about it? Well, first you can start by listening to your customers and take their pulse of how they feel about your brand. There are a number of buzz trackers and listening platforms out there, but the one I prefer, both for cost efficiency and for their ability to scan in multiple languages is that offered by Attentio. To get a quick idea of what the Attentio Brand Dashboard can do, check out their website at or give it a go at their public buzz monitoring site, For some sample results, check out this review I made for Lexus a few years back while I was working at Lateral.

Excerpt from the Lexus Hybrid Debate

The Brand Dashboard continuously trawls a wide range of online sources, from blogs to forums, newsgroups and social networks, looking for certain keywords that you define, which act as flags of potentially relevant conversations. As there are literally millions of sources to scan, most listening tools work as a “present to forward” looking information source. In other words, to get the most accurate results, you need to set it up in advance and let it run for several months. Backward looking scans with Attentio are possible but are typically limited by the length of time articles and comments remain online, currently between 3-6 months on average. With Lexus, I scanned a number of keywords related to the brand, but also the names of competitor’s brands and common words used around hybrid technology. This allowed us to get a good feel for what people really thought of Lexus’ Hybrid cars.

Some companies I know, now utilize this type of data to complement their ongoing qualitative and quantitative research as it provides a higher level of reliability than what they get through focus groups and panels. After all, people are far more likely to tell what they really think in sites like TripAdvisor than in any focus group you run.

Listening however, is only the first step. You also need to be able to respond to opinions online. The most effective way of doing this is to empower and encourage every employee in your company to participate in social networks, forums and blogs where the conversations are happening (which you can also identify using your Brand Dashboard). The advantage here is that your employees are typically your best advocates. So let them talk and share their opinions and knowledge. There are examples of companies who have done this to remarkable advantage.

The first is Microsoft, where practically every employee blogs about something, most related to their specific profession. There are currently 262 officially tracked blogs in their directory across a mind-boggling array of subjects. These blogs are effectively are helping Microsoft to redefine their approach to be more “customer focus” through one on one interaction with customers. In many cases, this ability to have real conversations with customers is helping Microsoft to fix errors and improve products at a faster pace than ever before.

Another great example is Redfin, a US based estate agency. Redfin’s CEO, Glenn Kelman took the US real-estate market by storm last November when he decided to be completely transparent about the US real-estate industry. As such, he publicly exposed every dirty trick estate agencies use to sell you a property. His blog was almost a “how-to” in avoiding the cons that most British still face when trying to purchase property. With 300+% year-over-year growth in unique visitors, Redfin has been the fastest-growing major real estate website in the U.S Redfin has also increased its market-share significantly as a result of its game-changing approach.

Redfin and Microsoft are both examples of companies who have mastered Conversational Marketing.

Another surprising example was McDonald’s in New Zealand. Selling burgers is easy. Selling McDonald’s to a group of cynics and non-believers is a different proposition altogether. In 2006 this was the situation McDonald’s found itself in. No matter what it had been doing and saying over the previous years around its health, quality and nutrition initiatives, people were still viewing McDonald’s food with wariness and mistrust. Nothing seemed to stick, sink in or sway public opinion in favor of a company that was trying to break free of its past. This was hurting the organization, not only from an image standpoint, but also with regards to the bottom line. McDonald’s decided it was time to get on the front foot and set the record straight about its food and they way it behaves once and for all.

Peter Bush, the CEO of McDonald’s Australasia had the right idea. ‘If we could sit down for just five minutes and tell our story one to one with the consumer, McDonald’s wouldn’t have the brand issues we have today.’ His conversational approach become the seed to their Take a Closer Look campaign, in which people’s conversations and concerns were displayed in the ads against McDonald’s irrefutable facts. Essentially, McDonald’s leveraged conversations around its own myths as the basis to start conversations with its customers.  The result was that 70% of people who had seen the campaign believed what McDonald’s was saying. Ultimately, people reported that the ads made them feel better about eating at McDonald’s.

The New Zealand campaign was eventually followed by a larger, online initiative called Make Up Your Own Mind, in which consumers could literally ask any question to McDonald’s and they would answer it with facts. Unfortunately, when I challenged them on their continued decline of their food quality in many restaurants I visited, their answers were cut and pasted from other questions people asked, word for word, making it sound like the work of PR people. When further questioned about their support of aspartame in their Cola’s, their answer was literally right from the official apartame website: hardly a non-biased, credible source of information. The lesson here, always assume that your consumers already have done their online research. Brand sites like these are typically the last resort, not the first port of call.

Community and Conversation are often mixed in today’s marketing lingo, however they shouldn’t be. Although they are linked, they aren’t exactly the same. The McDonald’s campaign used Conversational Marketing, but it didn’t create a community. In contrast, Bugaboo strollers clearly has created a community of involved like-minded parents on its site, effectively leveraging people’s real conversations and stories within its communications to foster a sense of participation and brand ownership. When you link Conversation and Community to brand strategy, you get a robust brand platform from which you can engage today’s growing base of consumers who want to be involved in the shaping of the brand.

The resulting benefits of participation and ownership can add significant value to the brand, seeding it with real human experiences and emotion that reaches the long tail of your consumer base. Considering that 49 % of people made a purchase based on friends recommendations on social media property (Razorfish, 2008), social media can be viewed as an important channel and tool to interact, manage and enable these brand communities.

If this strategy appeals, does this mean you should run out and create a community? Not at all. What most digital agencies won’t tell you is that you actually don’t need to build your own community. In fact, unless there is a clearly unmet nascent consumer need for your community, you are much better off partnering with an existing community than building your own. Start by looking to see which fan created communities already exists around your brand. You may be surprised to find a few. Brands such as Apple, Nokia, Saab, Ford, Harley Davidson, Suzuki, Asus and many more all have dozens of fan created brand communities that you can interact and partner with. On top of this, there are thousands of niche, vertical communities around every passion you can imagine. Many of which could very well serve your existing customer’s interest and needs. And most of these verticals are heavily under-funded and some corporate partners could be very welcomed.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Skype Is Coming to the Nokia N900

Skype, the Internet telephony business of eBay (s EBAY) that is in the process of being sold to private investors for about $2 billion, is going to be making a debut on the forthcoming Nokia (s nok) N900 device powered by the Finnish company’s Maemo operating system.

This should come as good news for Nokia fans –- whom I affectionately refer to as Nokheads -– who are eagerly awaiting this multitasking phone-puter. Skype launched a version of its client for the Maemo platform in 2007. The Nokia N800 was the only device that supported Skype at the time.

A spokesperson on behalf of the Skype mobile team has confirmed that Skype for the N900 will be available by the end of October in North America and Europe. Skype, thanks to its 450 million subscribers, is fast becoming a must-have application for any successful mobile platform. It’s among the most-downloaded apps on the iPhone (s aapl) platform. But Skype says it has no plans for launching a version of its software for the Palm Pre (s palm).

Related Post:  You can read my review of Nokia N900, where I give it 6 out of 10. And no, I don’t use an iPhone. Instead, the BlackBerry Tour is my device of choice for now.

Forecasting the OS future - FierceDeveloper

Apple reported its fiscal fourth quarter earnings Monday, stating it sold 7.4 million iPhones during the period, up from 6.9 million units sold in the year-ago quarter and ahead of Wall Street’s expectation of around 7 million units. Market research firm iSuppli notes that the iPhone was responsible for 12.1 percent of global smartphone shipments in the second calendar quarter of 2009, up from 10.1 percent in the first quarter, and although it hasn’t finalized its third-quarter market share figures, expectations are the iPhone continued its upward trend over the last three months. iSuppli adds that while worldwide smartphone unit shipments are set to grow by 11.6 percent in calendar year 2009 compared to 2008, iPhone shipments are set to increase by 37 percent this year.

But looking beyond 2009, research firm Gartner forecasts that by 2012, Android–which currently represents less than 2 percent of all smartphones sold–will grow to 18 percent of worldwide smartphone OS market share, accounting for 94.5 million of the expected 525 million smartphones sold three years from now. While the iPhone will generate sales of 71.5 million in 2012, its overall market share is only expected to grow to 13.6 percent between now and then–Symbian, with an anticipated 196.5 million units sold in 2012, will represent 37.4 percent of worldwide OS market share, while BlackBerry, at 73 million units sold, will edge past iPhone to account for 13.9 percent. (The big loser in Gartner’s forecast: Windows Mobile, which will generate anticipated 2012 sales of 47.7 million–just 9 percent of the global market.)

Gartner isn’t the only firm predicting the iPhone’s dominance will wane in the years ahead–according to Ovum, while the App Store is presently responsible for about 70 percent of the total application download market, its share will decline to less than 20 percent by 2014. Ovum expects the total number of application downloads (including both free and premium applications) will grow from 491 million worldwide in 2008 to 18.7 billion in 2014, a CAGR of 83 percent across the forecast period. Ovum estimates that the global market will grow by a CAGR of 153 percent between 2008 and 2011 before dropping to around 33 percent between 2011 and 2014, a decline blamed on the emergence of browser-based services and other substitutes for app downloads. Whether you agree or disagree with the Gartner and Ovum forecasts, it does seem like the smartphone market is about to enter a distinct new phase in its evolution, galvanized by a groundswell of operator and manufacturer support for Android–no one’s suggesting the last few years have been boring, but it looks like things are about to get even more interesting.

via Forecasting the OS future – FierceDeveloper.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sróty klawaiturowe w N900

Na portalu pojawiła się lista skrótów klawiaturowych działających w N900. Oto dostępna lista (z mam nadzieje dobrym tłumaczeniem):


  • Ctrl + Backspace: Przenosi z aktualnie wykorzystywanej aplikacji do menadżera zadań.
  • Ctrl + C:  Kopiowanie
  • Ctrl + V: Wklejanie
  • Ctrl + X: Wycinanie
  • Ctrl + A: Zaznaczanie wszystkiego
  • Ctrl + O: Otwieranie (jeśli jest dostępne)
  • Ctrl + N: Utworzenie nowego (jeśli jest dostępne)
  • Ctrl + S: Zapisanie (jeśli jest dostępne)
  • Ctrl + Z: Cofnięcie operacji (jeśli jest dostępne)
  • Ctrl + Y: Powtórzenie akcji (jeśli jest dostępne)
  • Ctrl + F: Otwiera pasek wyszukiwania (jeśli jest dostępne)
  • Ctrl + Right arrow: przesuwa kursor (do wstawiania) na koniec wyrazu
  • Ctrl + Left arrow: przesuwa kursor (do wstawiania) na początek wyrazu

Zaznaczanie tekstu odbywa się przy pomocy: rysika, trybu kursora (w przeglądarce), wykorzystania klawisza shift i strzałek kursora,..


  • Ctrl + N: Otwiera nowe okno
  • Ctrl + R: Odświeża bieżącą stronę
  • Ctrl + B: otwiera zakładki
  • Ctrl + D: Dodaje do zakładek

Klient poczty

  • Ctrl + Enter: Wysyła wiadomość
  • Ctrl + R: Odpowiada na wiadomość

Czytnik RSS

  • Ctrl + R: Odświeża kanał


  • Ctrl + Shift + P: Wykonuje zrzut ekranu

Światła powiadomień (lewy górny róg):

  • niebieska: akcja aplikacji, nowa wiadomość,..
  • pomarańczowa: ładowanie baterii

A tu na wszelki wypadek oryginał:

Saturday, October 17, 2009

mBank mobile i Nokia 5310 Xpress Music

Od kilku miesięcy w sieci mBank mobile aktywna jest świetna promocja, w której za minutę połączenia do wszystkich sieci telefonicznych w Polsce (również do Play!) płacimy 19gr za minutę (taki niskiej stawki próżno szukać u jakiegokolwiek innego operatora komórkowego), a dodatkowo co miesiąc dostajemy pakiet 50 mb transferu bez dodatkowych opłat, który rozliczany jest co 1 kb (gdzie normą wśród większości operatorów jest 100kb)… A żeby było jeszcze piękniej, to aby utrzymać na koncie rozmowy wychodzące, wystarczy doładować 5 zł na 2 miesiące. Czyni to tą ofertę dobrą do rozmów (choć boli brak tanich, wybranych numerów po 5 gr), ale przede wszystkim świetną i śmiesznie tanią kartę do mobilnego Internetu w drugim telefonie (bądź pierwszym, jak kto woli ). Jeżeli komuś mało, to w podstawowej ofercie dostajemy co prawda 27gr za min, ale możemy wykupić 3 pakiety po 100mb (każdy 5 zł) +20mb bez dodatkowych opłat, również naliczane co 1 kb. Dodatkowo mBank mobile działa na infrastrukturze Polkomtela, mamy więc świetny zasięg Plusa.

No cóż, nie mogłem nie skorzystać z takiej oferty… Kupiłem więc starter, szybki skok na stronę mBanku, konfiguracja sms-em, i… no cóż, i zonk. :\ Sms z ustawieniami doszedł, wszystko uaktywniłem, restart telefonu, a potem… Nic. Przynajmniej tak pokazywała mini Opera. ;( Brak połączenia z siecią. Podobnie jak reszta programów w Javie… Ale sam GPRS działał ślicznie we wbudowanej przeglądarce (która się nie nadaje do tego, do czego powinna…). Na innych moim telefonach działało, ale na 5310 Xpress Music? Oczywiście nie… Po przewertowaniu forów, googlowaniu, itd – dostałem odpowiedź.

Rozwiązanie – wystarczy ustawić ręcznie nowy “Punkt dostępu”. Wchodzimy więc w Konfigurację i dodajemy własny punkt dostępu, który ustawiamy zgodnie z. tabelką podaną przez mBank. I proszę, działa!

Nokia n86

Un petit article pour vous parler du n86 après quelques temps d’utilisation. Le nokia n86 est un mobile haut de gamme de nokia qui propose la 3G+, wifi, et surtout un appareil photo 8 mpix Carl Zeiss de très bonne facture. Après la mise à jour logicielle proposée, j’ai constaté une meilleure stabilité, malgré quelques bugs qui subsistent (mais rien de grave), et une autonomie qui reste moyenne (voire correcte selon l’utilisation). Le mobile à également tendance à chauffer rapidement. Cependant malgré ces petits défauts, ça reste un excellent mobile et la qualité photo est très correcte. J’ai apprécié le mode panorama qui permet d’en réaliser très facilement. Les vidéos sont elles aussi de bonnes qualités (640×480).

La finition est bonne et il n’y a pas de jeu dans le slide. Ça ne “craque” pas. Le clavier est agréable à utiliser, et venant du bold, je n’ai pas été déçu par celui-ci qui est alphanumérique, il permet une frappe rapide. Si vous cherchez un smartphone vraiment complet, je vous le recommande !

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Nokia's U.S. Disappearing Act Continues

Shares of Nokia (s nok) plummeted after the world’s largest handset maker posted a brutal quarter and a loss of $832 million. And while the company raised its industry outlook for the rest of the year, its dissolving presence in the U.S. is particularly worrisome. And there’s not much reason to expect that figure to turn around anytime soon in the face of increasing competition from the iPhone — which continues to eat Nokia’s lunch — as well Android and Palm’s (s palm) webOS.

Nokia took a staggering write-off of nearly $1.4 billion in Nokia Siemens Networks, the joint venture with Siemens (s si) that has become a financial albatross for both companies. Meanwhile, net sales fell to $14.62 billion, down from $18.18 billion in the year-ago period, as the company suffered from a shortage of components across its product portfolio.

The write-down of Nokia Siemens Networks wasn’t entirely surprising — as Om noted nearly a year ago, the recession has hit the entire telecom industry hard by forcing network operators to pay off debt rather than upgrade their networks. And Nokia offered a ray of hope for the handset market, predicting a 7 percent increase in 2009 from last year rather than its previous forecast of a 10 percent drop.

But the company continues to lose traction in the U.S. at an astonishing rate, with North American sales down more than 31 percent over last year. Nokia may indeed be the dominant mobile player in the developing world, but it’s becoming less relevant by the day in North America.

27 handset vendors enter Indian telecom space in a quarter ???

Indian telecom industry has not been impacted much by global economic slowdown and many new vendors see this as opportunity to enter Indian telecom space. With the 3G auction around the corner, 27 new handset vendors have entered the market in just one quarter, according to Economic Times.

These new mobile companies are coming up with dual SIM cards, full Qwerty keyboard and at a cheaper price to attract more customers. Mobile handset sales in India recorded a 6.7 percent increase to 100.9 million in the year ended June 30, as compared to 94.6 million in the year before. Even Mindtree has entered the telecom space through its acquired company Kyocera Wireless. China Wireless Technologies’ Indian subsidiary, Coolpad Communications, is targeting Rs. 800 crore revenue in next five years in India. The company is set to invest Rs. 400 crore as capex and opex over the next three years.

According to a new research study by IDC India, the new vendors have ensured that the overall mobile handset shipments touched 6.3 percent as compared to 1.2 percent during the June 2008 quarter, when the new vendors totaled 11 percent. “The shipments from such new players who have entered the Indian market in the last 12 to 18 months grew six-fold with 6.41 million unit sales,” said Deepak Kumar, Associate Vice-President (Research) of IDC, India.

In terms of shipment, Nokia still leads the market share in India with 56.8 percent followed by Samsung with a 7.7 percent share and LG with 5.4 percent share in the 12-month period ended June 30, according to the report. ‘With the mobile handsets market in India growing in volumes , device manufacturers have started focusing on niche and emerging segments based on lifestyle profiling of buyers ,” said Naveen Mishra, an Analyst at IDC India.

“We see the market getting further crowded. At the same time, an accelerated evolution of the market is at work, as rising competition forces vendors to offer a combo of volume and value,” said Kumar.

Source: SI

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

"Way of the Future!" Nokia's Nanotech Morph Goes On Display, Signals Melting Devices In Our Future

Why is Nokia always trying to outdo everyone with its fancy-schmancy concepts and designs? Why can’t they just get in line and keep it simple? We may never know the answer to those questions, but what we do know is that the company is presenting a new concept device called the Morph that would be right at home… in the year 3000. The unit is included in the MoMA’s “Design and the Elastic Mind” exhibition catalog, and boasts the ability to stretch and flex to almost any shape a user could think of. The nanotechnology-based device would deliver transparent electronics, self-cleaning surfaces, and the malleability to transform into any number of configurations. Of course, the actual technology required to put this together is years or even decades away, though Nokia expects to see some of these innovations making their way into high-end products within seven years. See the device doing its thing in some photos after the break.

Nokia 6060

The Nokia 6060 is a very stylish and flip opening compact handset that comprises of dual colour screens, Bluetooth and a VGA camera. Nokia 6060 has a bright and clear TFT type screen that can display up to 65k colours making it perfect for viewing messages, games, screensavers and wallpapers.

The SMS, MMS, instant messaging and email services allow the user to send and receive messages with any other compatible mobile phone. Nokia 6060 comes with great organising features which include To Do List, Notes, Countdown Timer, Phonebook that can easily store up to 500 contacts in the phone’s memory.

The organizer also comprises of Calendar, Expense Manager, Alarm Clock, Calculator, Speed Dialling, Automatic Redial and Vibrating Alert options. The mobiles phone is also equipped with Java games and the user can also download more games according to their choice.

The caller identification with image allows to select an image for each contact in the phone book and on each call the image will be displayed. This low-end handset aims at the corporate user by providing user friendly interface.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Unboxing Sandisk Sansa Clip+ 4G Black

My interest in getting better audio continues with the purchase of the Nokia BH-905 Bluetooth Noise Cancellation Headphone.  The latest addition to my gadget bag is the Sandisk Sansa Clip+ 4G (Black).  As I research more into digital music and player, this little player seems to have received lots of praise from people who enjoys music, so I decide to get one.

Here are the unboxing photos

Nokia 6700 classic

Успех можно вычислять по самым разным показателям. Но как ни крути, а критерий купли-продажи — самый распространенный и весомый. В середине июля в Москве первую партию телефонов 6700 раскупили за несколько часов. Логично — для того чтобы стать «бомбой», у телефона есть все: и цельнометаллическая оболочка (привет Стэнли Кубрику!), и шикарная начинка, и, что самое актуальное, относительно невысокая цена.

Кто еще хочет комиссарского тела Nokia 6700 Classic?


Мир нового хита держится на трех слонах. Во-первых, это имиджевая модель 8800, которая была очень популярной, но из-за высокой цены попала в категорию «видит око, да зуб неймет». Второй слон — неуклюжий по нынешним меркам слайдер 6500 с таким же стальным корпусом и так же сочетающий функции бизнес-телефона и мультимедийного комбайна. И наконец, третий слон — моноблок 6300, металлический, «идейно близкий» по дизайну. Все три модели были в свое время хитами продаж, и новый телефон, объединивший имиджевость 8800, мультимедийность 6500 и элегантность 6300, долго продержится на лучших местах в точках продаж.

Дизайн и эргономика

Телефон просится в руку. Это именно тот случай, когда и дизайн, и эргономика особенно удались. Бывает, купишь башмаки, замечательные с виду, а наденешь и почувствуешь, что тут поджимает, там теснит… Этот же телефон, попав в ладонь, вызывает только положительные эмоции: благородная и дорогая вещь, крепко и тщательно собранная, никаких люфтов и скрипов, плавные обводы и скругленная задняя крышка, металлический корпус и приятная тяжесть — в общем, сделано все, чтобы взяв гаджет в руки, ты уже не захотел с ним расставаться. Можешь выбирать из четырех цветовых решений: хромового, матовой стали (Matt Steel), черного и коричневого. Материал покрытия тоже разный — от глянцевого до хромового. Мне в руки попал черный, у которого сверкают глянцем только экран и клавиатура, все остальное матовое — отпечатки пальцев не собирает. Качество материалов и точность сборки на голову выше всей шеститысячной серии и скорее сопоставимы с восьмитысячной. Даже внутри, под крышкой, все сделано качественно. Общий контур, как я уже говорил, напоминает Nokia 8800 Arte (ровная верхняя часть, скругленная нижняя). А клавиатура, джойстик и четыре управляющие кнопки продолжают идеи, полюбившиеся владельцам Nokia 6300, с тем лишь отличием, что теперь экран с блоком функциональных клавиш и джойстиком находятся на одном уровне с цифровой клавиатурой. На верхней части лицевой панели — узкая прорезь динамика, прикрытого мелкой металлической сеткой. Рядом с ним — датчик освещенности. В центре под экраном находится джойстик (клавиша Navi), вокруг которого расположились кнопки вызова, сброса вызова (она же — кнопка включения/выключения), а также клавиши выбора. Еще ниже — плоская клавиатура с тремя горизонтальными разделителями блоков клавиш, выполненных из каучука. Ход клавиш упругий и четкий, клик заметно ощутим, а кнопка Navi, обрамленная рамкой-клавишами, гораздо удобнее, чем у той же Nokia N86, чей джойстик был выполнен в виде качельки, и передвигаться по меню и подтверждать выбор было ой как непросто.

По контуру аппарата в привычных для владельцев Nokia местах расположились кнопки регулировки громкости и спуска затвора, разъемы для зарядки и синхронизации с ПК, а также проушина для крепления шнурка.

Хозяйке на заметку: и крышка, и под крышкой – все здесь почти безупречно


Еще одной изюминкой этого телефона (а их у него не меньше, чем в булочке с изюмом) является технология CABC (Content Adaptive Brightness Control), отвечающая за динамическую подсветку в зависимости не только от уровня освещения, но и от запущенного приложения. К примеру, при выводе текста экран тускнеет, а во время игр он становится ярче. На практике это малозаметно, однако пользоваться аппаратом было всегда комфортно — что на солнце, что в помещении, что ночью, устанавливая перед сном будильник. Таковыми, по сути, и должны быть все эти технологии — удобными и незаметными.

Диагональ экрана — 2,2″, разрешение — 320 х 240 пикселей (QVGA), помещается до 9 строчек текста разборчивым и легкочитаемым шрифтом. В отдельных режимах можно утрамбовать и 16 строк.


Телефон ориентирован на бизнес-аудиторию. Тем не менее все атрибуты современного гаджета здесь налицо, в том числе и функции проигрывания аудио- и видеофайлов. Обновленная ОС S40 шестого издания в части медиаплеера мало изменилась — пользователи получат ту же музыкальную библиотеку с привычной сортировкой по альбомам, исполнителям, жанрам и т. д. Медиафайлы добавляются в библиотеку автоматически — все, что обнаружится в памяти телефона или на карте памяти, будет доступно для воспроизведения. Пятиполосный эквалайзер и несколько тем оформления проигрывателя позволяют настроить его «под себя». По качеству звука телефон вполне может заменить плеер, однако меломаны, несомненно, будут огорчены отсутствием стандартного 3,5-миллиметрового разъема для наушников.

Видео тоже воспроизведется, если его положить на карточку в форматах MP4, 3GP, H.263 или H.264. Объем встроенной памяти (170 Мб) плюс достаточно мощный процессор справляются с функцией мини-кинотеатра на ура. Экран, конечно, маловат, но показать друзьям забавный ролик, скачанный с YouTube, пока официант несет пиво — почему бы и нет?

Встроенный FM-приемник с поддержкой RDS и AF, работающий в диапазоне от 87,5 до 108 МГц, порадовал хорошим уровнем приема сигнала. Правда, как и во многих других телефонах, антенной выступает фирменная гарнитура, без которой послушать эфир не получится.


Пятимегапиксельная камера с автофокусной оптикой не вызывает особого восторга. Сложно ожидать чего-то экстраординарного от механизма таких крохотных размеров. Тем не менее как дополнение к остальным функциям — неплохо. Интерфейс работы как в фоторежиме, так и в видео использует альбомную ориентацию и привычен большинству пользователей моделей Nokia с камерой. При таком расположении под указательным пальцем левой руки оказываются кнопки зума, под указательным пальцем правой — кнопка спуска затвора. Под большим пальцем правой — клавиша Navi, отвечающая за установку пресетов и режимов съемки.

Ложкой дегтя в этой бочке меда стали кнопки управления фото- и видеосъемкой. Клавиши цифрового масштабирования весьма неудобны. Во-первых, клик как таковой ощущается очень слабо — качелька, сделанная из пластика, зажата между двумя выступами металлического ободка, защищающими ее от случайного нажатия. И указательный палец, упираясь в эти выступы, не всегда дожимает кнопку. Кнопка спуска затвора нажимается более «выразительно», однако и она не сказать чтобы слушается с первого раза.

Светодиодная вспышка работает четко и быстро, как для фокусировки при недостаточном освещении, так и для подсветки во время съемки. Доступна регулировка баланса белого, цветовые эффекты, таймер, серийная съемка, смена разрешения фотографии, качества сжатия и возможность отключения звукового сопровождения действий при съемке. Последнее особенно актуально для «шпионской» фотосъемки, так полюбившейся блогерам всей планеты.

Запись видеороликов осуществляется в VGA-разрешении с частотой 15 кадров в секунду. Заснять что-то интересное на улице или дома, когда нет под рукой видеокамеры — очень даже.

Встроенные интерфейсы к социальным сетям, сайтам видео- и фотохостинга позволяют сразу же опубликовать или выложить сделанные шедевры в Сеть для общего доступа.

Карты на стол

На карточке, идущей в комплекте с телефоном, предустановлена программа Maps, использующая встроенный в телефон Assisted GPS.

Эта система отличается от обычного GPS тем, что позволяет ускорить холодный старт GPS-приёмника за счёт определения координат мобильного телефона не только на основе принятых спутниковых сигналов, но и на основе информации, полученной с базовых телефонных станций.

Обнаружены карты России от NavTeq, новые карты без проблем можно перезаписывать, они будут автоматически подхватываться. Однако приложение Maps стоит использовать скорее как подсказку – если ты заблудишься в Воронеже и не у кого будет спросить, где находится улица Лизюкова (гиппопотам, тигр и страус, как было продемонстрировано в известном мультфильме, плохие подсказчики). Как серьезный инструмент для навигации (тем более, в машине) этот телефон рассматривать нельзя, несмотря на то, что в комплект поставки включена лицензия на 30-дневную навигацию с голосовыми подсказками.


Привычная рубрика «конкуренты» в случае с героем нашего обзора отсутствует. У него пока действительно их нет, что, несомненно, в очередной раз подтверждает способность Nokia идентифицировать и занимать новые сегменты рынка. Адекватный летний/антикризисный ценник в 14 тысяч рублей, цельнометаллический корпус, привлекательный дизайн и современная начинка однозначно сделают эту модель хитом продаж.

А такие маленькие фишечки, как UNC (Uplink Noise Cancellation — улучшение качества звука для входящего звонка за счет наличия на корпусе дополнительного микрофона, анализирующего обстановку вокруг и подавляющего шумы) или встроенный датчик движения, позволяющий постукиванием ногтя по корпусу отключать звонок или выводить на экран аналоговые часы — сделают эту модель любимицей многих.

Данил Дехканов Nokia 6700 classic Производитель Nokia Модель 6700 Classic Стандарт GSM, WCDMA, 850, 900, 1800, 1900, 2100, HSDPA, EDGE, GPRS Тип корпуса моноблок Тип основного экрана TFT Отображение цветов 16,7 миллионов Размер экрана, дюймы 2,2″ Разрешение, пикс 320 х 240 пикселей (QVGA) Поддерживаемые форматы MP3, WMA, AAC, MP4, M4A, AMR-NB, AMR-WB, SP-MIDI, MIDI Tones FM-радио есть Время записи диктофона в зависимости от свободной памяти Голосовые функции набор номера, управление Коммуникации Bluetooth 2.1 EDR A2DP Дополнительно Функция шумоподавления (UNC), 2 микрофона для шумоподавления Разъем для подключение к ПК microUSB Память, Мб 170 Мб Cлот для карт памяти microSD Разрешение камеры, пикс 5 Мп (2560×1920) Вспышка светодиодная Автофокус да Разрешение видеосъемки, пикс 640х480 Частота кадров 15 кадров в секунду Навигация A-GPS Карты Nokia Maps/Google Maps Сообщения SMS, MMS, Push HTML-браузер Веб-браузер Nokia (OSS), Opera Mini e-mail клиент Собственный Поддержка Java MIDP 2.1 Дополнительно Flash Lite 3.0, клиент Windows Live Аккумулятор, мАч 960 мАч Размеры, мм 109,8 х 45 х 11,2 Вес, г 113 Цена, руб. 14 000

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Notebook HP é destaque na nova edição do Guia de Eletrônicos Verdes do Greenpeace

Gráfico com o ranking das empresas avaliadas no Guia Eletrônicos Verde, do Greenpeace

Renata Nascentes

O lançamento de um notebook livre de substâncias tóxicas e metais pesados, como arsênio, mercúrio e chumbo, fez com que a HP merecesse destaque na nona edição do Guia de Eletrônicos Verdes, lançado na semana passada pela organização não-governamental Greenpeace internacional.

Os critérios para a pontuação do guia são os programas de reciclagem e a eliminação de substâncias tóxicas, como PVC e brominato, no processo de produção de computadores, celulares, TV´s e jogos eletrônicos.

O notebook New ProBook 5310m segue quase todos os critérios exigidos pela ONG, com exceção de duas peças ainda fabricadas com material tóxico: a fonte e o cabo.

O novo produto foi muito bem recebido pelos dirigentes do Greenpeace e manteve a HP na 14ª posição no ranking feito pela ONG, apesar das elevadas penalidades recebidas pela empresa, que não assumiu os compromissos exigidos pelo Guia de Eletrônicos Verdes do Greenpeace com medidas as serem adotadas até o final deste ano.

“A decisão da HP vai pressionar a concorrência para também colocar no mercado produtos mais seguros e com menos impacto para o meio ambiente”, explica a coordenadora da campanha de Tóxicos do Greenpeace Internacional, Iza Kruszewska.

O lançamento do notebook “verde” da HP é uma reação ao avanço da concorrente Apple, que há um ano adota os critérios de produção exigidos pela ONG.

A Apple está logo à frente da HP, no 13º lugar, e até chegou a receber advertências do Greenpeace ao não eliminar o uso de substâncias tóxicas, apesar de ter demonstrado uma redução significativa.

O Guia de Eletrônicos Verdes é publicado desde 2006, com mais de uma edição por ano.

Das 18 empresas selecionadas, a Nokia é a campeã em reciclagem e permanece no topo da lista, seguida pela Sony Ericsson e pela Philips.

Clique aqui para acessar a página do guia na internet (em inglês).

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

More accessibility buzzd

I knew this topic would have to run on and on. Well, at least for a second day! Some of these topics will no doubt turn up again in more detail, but for now, these are the links.

Accessible Kitchen Appliances « The BAT Channel – your views are wanted on which ones really are accessible.

Bar Code Scanners, an article at Fred’s Head.

BBC iPlayer Guide – A guide for users of the Jaws screen reader (and other screen readers), written by David Bailes

BCI: Thought control for smart home – Taking thought control from parlour trick to scientific reality using brain-computer interfaces. Emerging technology of interest to disabled people and the military.

Bioptic Driving USA – types of technology that may enable mildly visually impaired people to drive, state laws, available training and an explanation about who would be eligible for bioptic driving. 
Website Introduction Video on Youtube

Blind + Linux = BLINUX

BlindAid: Virtual Maps For The Blind

BookSense 1.1 Public Beta Released – GW Micro’s book reading machine gets some stability fixes.

Color Oracle – Design Tips Design for the Color Impaired

Digidesign Demonstrates Upcoming ProTools Accessibility– The Mac-cessibility Network – improvements to this professional recording software for the Mac.

Download WebbIE 3.95 – you will need this update if you want to carry on using the BBC Live Radio program, as the BBC has scrapped its Real Audio streams. The package has several bug fixes too.

EU launches free satellite system to fine-tune GPS – free European Union satellite service could improve accuracy for pilots, drivers and blind people using GPS.

Fifth-generation iPod nano Review | iPod | Playlist | Macworld – another device uses the VloiceOver screen reader.

Flash 10.1: Full Flash for Everyone But iPhone, Actually Playable HD Vids [Flash] « The BAT Channel – up-and-coming fast Flash version invading everything except the iPhone.

Guide to Making Board Games Accessible to the Blind

Guidelines on Presenting Accessible Powerpoint Presentations

High-tech glasses help the nearly blind see – eSight, developing special glasses with cameras looking out and LCDs looking in, which they claim are suitable for people with severe sight loss. Production hoped for in 2010.

iSonic: Interactive Data Sonification for Blind Users

IT PRO | Windows 7: The most accessible Windows yet?

jady_lady: Gadgets We Can’t Live Without – in praise of the Nokia N81

JAWS Public Beta 11 Released! from the Ranger Station Blog

Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard With VoiceOver– The Mac-cessibility Network

MacMegasite » Media Atelier introduces Retina 1.0 for iPhone – Color Blindness Helper

Math Education and Nemeth Code for Braille users

Movies For the Blind – enjoy films without looking at a screen. Download audio-described movies.

New software helps blind venture out on their own – BlindAid, developed at tel Aviv University, allows blind people to feel and hear information about their surroundings.

Nokia Braille Reader makes SMS tactile

Open Textbook Resources free from the Orange Grove

Orator for BlackBerry ® Smartphones – this is a Frequently Asked Questions page on this screen reader by CodeFactory, with some less than satisfactory answers.

Phone eyes documents, reads to the blind – the KNFB Reader offers increased independence by reading bills, menus, etc.

Qwitter: the Accessible Way to Access Twitter – "The Qwitter client enables blind individuals to interface with the Twitter service globally, regardless of application focus. Based off of revolutionary concepts pioneered in The Jawter Jaws Scripts, Qwitter, with full support for the three major comercial screen readers and sapi speech, provides you instant access to all aspects of the twitter microblogging service, giving you the ability to post a tweet from anywhere, read tweets, perform searches, and far, far more. "

Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic®: Building Bridges Between Print Disabilities and Educational Success

Scanning Pens – these are pens that let you write on ordinary paper, but save your text and drawings in digital format as you go. An example is the Digiscribble. Pens, small scanners, portable printers, consumables. Request a catalogue and the site newsletter via e-e-mail forms on the site.

SOFIA Program Supports Astronomy For Students With Sensory Impairments

Solona – a site that can solve CAPTCHAs by getting volunteers to read and decipher the graphics.

Sony Partners With WGBH to Deliver Descriptive Video Service for DVDs

Students Developing A Car For The Blind – The Early Show – CBS News

Ten Innovative Designs To Help The Sight Impaired » Yanko Design – introduces several products, including Siafu PC, B-Touch mobile phone, Braille Label Maker The Visual Assistance Card, Braille Interpreter, Braille E-Book, Voice Stick, Swatch Sens, Rubik Cube For Blind.

The Nokia N900 Wants To Take On The iPhone, Will It Match Up? 
YouTube Video

Toshiba Touch cell phone for blind people – Google translation from Russian.

Traveleyes – world-wide travel for blind and sighted people. That’s accessibility all right!

Universal Phone For The Blind And Sighted by Seunghan Song » Yanko Design

Updates Everywhere You turn for JAWS, Zoom Text , Dolphin And Window Eyes – Mozilla Firefox

VINUX Project Page – A Customized Version of Ubuntu for Visually Impaired Users

Virtual reality used for blind to map real world – VR used to deal with the world, not escape from it!

Visionplus Sightstick for the Blind – not any old cane, this one has GPS, can output sound, vibration and braille and can bookmark specific locations.

WebAIM Screen Reader Users’ Survey – you may have seen one of these before, but this is a new one. Your chance to influence the industry.

Webvisum – your web helper – WebVisum is an add-on for Firefox that lets you solve CAPTCHAs, those mangled symbols that you have to decipher to get into some web sites. It also lets you label graphics on a site to make clear what they are.

ZiggyTek Blog, part of the ZiggyTek Gadget Community.
RSS Feed

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Nuevos firmwares para el N86 (V20.115)

El Nokia N86, es la punta de lanza de Nokia en cuanto a lo que a móviles con cámara se refiere. Y es en esta característica en la que se centra la actualización (V20.115), incorporando detección de rostros. Además, se ha mejorado la velocidad de la aplicación, la calidad de imagen y video y la posibilidad de eliminación de ojos rojos.

Está disponible via Nokia Software Updater, Ovi Suite, and FOTA.


Se han eliminado bugs en:

Music store client
Ovi Maps
Here and Now
N-Gage client
Nokia Messaging

Via Nokia Users

Nokia 6530 unveiled via AT&T

The newest addition to Nokia’s broad range of handsets is the Nokia 6530 that will be available via AT&T. The Nokia handset is offered in two shades, red and graphite. This Nokia phone offers high speed connectivity owing to 3G and HSDPA support. The handset does not incorporate any out of the box functionalities, however it presents the conventional features with style and elegance. The 6530 packages dedicated music keys, delight for music enthusiasts. The Nokia device is equipped with a 2 megapixel camera, a browser that presents premium online experience and also e-mail functionality. Further, for the chatterboxes, the 6530 offers four hours of continuous talktime. The handset is inclusive of renowned services from the network carrier like AT&T Navigator and AT&T Video Share. The Nokia 6530 will be made available at AT&T retail stores and online via AT&T’s official website beginning October 4, 2009. The Nokia handset can be purchased for $29.99 with a two-year AT&T service agreement after a mail-in rebate.

The newest addition to Nokia’s broad range of handsets is the Nokia 6530 that will be available via AT&T. The Nokia handset is offered in two shades, red and graphite.

This Nokia phone offers high speed connectivity owing to 3G and HSDPA support. The handset does not incorporate any out of the box functionalities, however it presents the conventional features with style and elegance. The 6530 packages dedicated music keys, delight for music enthusiasts.

The Nokia device is equipped with a 2 megapixel camera, a browser that presents premium online experience and also e-mail functionality. Further, for the chatterboxes, the 6530 offers four hours of continuous talktime. The handset is inclusive of renowned services from the network carrier like AT&T Navigator and AT&T Video Share.

The Nokia 6530 will be made available at AT&T retail stores and online via AT&T’s official website beginning October 4, 2009. The Nokia handset can be purchased for $29.99 with a two-year AT&T service agreement after a mail-in rebate.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Nokia N97 ’ de büyük hata !

Nokia N97’de büyük hata !

Nokia’nın son modellerinden N97’nin ilk büyük hatası ortaya çıktı..

Haberlere göre Nokia’nın amiral gemisinin kamera kapağında bir problem var. Kapak, kapatıldığı zaman kamera lensi üzerinde hatırı sayılır çizikler bırakıyor. “” forumundaki resimler durumu kanıtlıyor. “” sitesindeki bir diğer kullanıcı ise çiziklerin kameranın resim kalitesi üzerindeki ilk etkilerini açıklıyor. N97 kullanıcısının dediklerine göre flaş açıkken yapılan çekimlerde fotoğrafların bazı kısımları solgun ve defolu gözüküyor.

Sorular üzerinde bir Nokia Almanya sözcüsü şu açıklamayı yaptı: “Blog’ta bahsedilen olay, Almanya’da henüz meydana gelmedi. Eğer bir müşterimiz cihazıyla ilgili bir problem yaşıyorsa Nokia Danışma Hattını aramalarını veya yetkili servisle irtibata geçmelerini rica ediyoruz.” Eğer bu durumdan muzdarip bir cihaza sahipseniz siz de önerilen eylemleri gerçekleştirebilirsiniz.