Tuesday, October 6, 2009

More accessibility buzzd

I knew this topic would have to run on and on. Well, at least for a second day! Some of these topics will no doubt turn up again in more detail, but for now, these are the links.

Accessible Kitchen Appliances « The BAT Channel – your views are wanted on which ones really are accessible.

Bar Code Scanners, an article at Fred’s Head.

BBC iPlayer Guide – A guide for users of the Jaws screen reader (and other screen readers), written by David Bailes

BCI: Thought control for smart home – Taking thought control from parlour trick to scientific reality using brain-computer interfaces. Emerging technology of interest to disabled people and the military.

Bioptic Driving USA – types of technology that may enable mildly visually impaired people to drive, state laws, available training and an explanation about who would be eligible for bioptic driving. 

Website Introduction Video on Youtube

Blind + Linux = BLINUX

BlindAid: Virtual Maps For The Blind

BookSense 1.1 Public Beta Released – GW Micro’s book reading machine gets some stability fixes.

Color Oracle – Design Tips Design for the Color Impaired

Digidesign Demonstrates Upcoming ProTools Accessibility– The Mac-cessibility Network – improvements to this professional recording software for the Mac.

Download WebbIE 3.95 – you will need this update if you want to carry on using the BBC Live Radio program, as the BBC has scrapped its Real Audio streams. The package has several bug fixes too.

EU launches free satellite system to fine-tune GPS – free European Union satellite service could improve accuracy for pilots, drivers and blind people using GPS.

Fifth-generation iPod nano Review | iPod | Playlist | Macworld – another device uses the VloiceOver screen reader.

Flash 10.1: Full Flash for Everyone But iPhone, Actually Playable HD Vids [Flash] « The BAT Channel – up-and-coming fast Flash version invading everything except the iPhone.

Guide to Making Board Games Accessible to the Blind

Guidelines on Presenting Accessible Powerpoint Presentations

High-tech glasses help the nearly blind see – eSight, developing special glasses with cameras looking out and LCDs looking in, which they claim are suitable for people with severe sight loss. Production hoped for in 2010.

iSonic: Interactive Data Sonification for Blind Users

IT PRO | Windows 7: The most accessible Windows yet?

jady_lady: Gadgets We Can’t Live Without – in praise of the Nokia N81

JAWS Public Beta 11 Released! from the Ranger Station Blog

Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard With VoiceOver– The Mac-cessibility Network

MacMegasite » Media Atelier introduces Retina 1.0 for iPhone – Color Blindness Helper

Math Education and Nemeth Code for Braille users

Movies For the Blind – enjoy films without looking at a screen. Download audio-described movies.

New software helps blind venture out on their own – BlindAid, developed at tel Aviv University, allows blind people to feel and hear information about their surroundings.

Nokia Braille Reader makes SMS tactile

Open Textbook Resources free from the Orange Grove

Orator for BlackBerry ® Smartphones – this is a Frequently Asked Questions page on this screen reader by CodeFactory, with some less than satisfactory answers.

Phone eyes documents, reads to the blind – the KNFB Reader offers increased independence by reading bills, menus, etc.

Qwitter: the Accessible Way to Access Twitter – "The Qwitter client enables blind individuals to interface with the Twitter service globally, regardless of application focus. Based off of revolutionary concepts pioneered in The Jawter Jaws Scripts, Qwitter, with full support for the three major comercial screen readers and sapi speech, provides you instant access to all aspects of the twitter microblogging service, giving you the ability to post a tweet from anywhere, read tweets, perform searches, and far, far more. "

Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic®: Building Bridges Between Print Disabilities and Educational Success

Scanning Pens – these are pens that let you write on ordinary paper, but save your text and drawings in digital format as you go. An example is the Digiscribble. Pens, small scanners, portable printers, consumables. Request a catalogue and the site newsletter via e-e-mail forms on the site.

SOFIA Program Supports Astronomy For Students With Sensory Impairments

Solona – a site that can solve CAPTCHAs by getting volunteers to read and decipher the graphics.

Sony Partners With WGBH to Deliver Descriptive Video Service for DVDs

Students Developing A Car For The Blind – The Early Show – CBS News

Ten Innovative Designs To Help The Sight Impaired » Yanko Design – introduces several products, including Siafu PC, B-Touch mobile phone, Braille Label Maker The Visual Assistance Card, Braille Interpreter, Braille E-Book, Voice Stick, Swatch Sens, Rubik Cube For Blind.

The Nokia N900 Wants To Take On The iPhone, Will It Match Up? 

YouTube Video

Toshiba Touch cell phone for blind people – Google translation from Russian.

Traveleyes – world-wide travel for blind and sighted people. That’s accessibility all right!

Universal Phone For The Blind And Sighted by Seunghan Song » Yanko Design

Updates Everywhere You turn for JAWS, Zoom Text , Dolphin And Window Eyes – Mozilla Firefox

VINUX Project Page – A Customized Version of Ubuntu for Visually Impaired Users

Virtual reality used for blind to map real world – VR used to deal with the world, not escape from it!

Visionplus Sightstick for the Blind – not any old cane, this one has GPS, can output sound, vibration and braille and can bookmark specific locations.

WebAIM Screen Reader Users’ Survey – you may have seen one of these before, but this is a new one. Your chance to influence the industry.

Webvisum – your web helper – WebVisum is an add-on for Firefox that lets you solve CAPTCHAs, those mangled symbols that you have to decipher to get into some web sites. It also lets you label graphics on a site to make clear what they are.

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