Monday, September 28, 2009

Best & worst cellphones by radiation output levels

Listing is based on phones currently available from major carriers. You can also see all available phones or all phones (current and legacy) ranked by radiation.

BEST PHONES (low radiation) WORST PHONES (high radiation) Samsung Impression (SGH-a877) [AT&T] Motorola MOTO VU204 [Verizon Wireless] Motorola RAZR V8 [CellularONE] T-Mobile myTouch 3G [T-Mobile] Samsung SGH-t229 [T-Mobile] Kyocera Jax S1300 [Virgin Mobile] Samsung Rugby (SGH-a837) [AT&T] Blackberry Curve 8330 [Sprint, U.S. Cellular, Verizon Wireless, MetroPCS] Samsung Propel Pro (SGH-i627) [AT&T] Motorola W385 [U.S. Cellular, Verizon Wireless] Samsung Gravity (SGH-t459) [CellularONE, T-Mobile] T-Mobile Shadow [T-Mobile] T-Mobile Sidekick [T-Mobile] Motorola C290 [Sprint, Kajeet] LG Xenon (GR500) [AT&T] Motorola i335 [Sprint] Motorola Karma QA1 [AT&T] Motorola MOTO VE240 [Cricket, MetroPCS] Sanyo Katana II [Kajeet] Blackberry Bold 9000 [AT&T] Best and Worst PDAs/Smartphones

Listing is based on all PDAs/Smartphones in the database. You can also see all PDAs/Smartphones ranked by radiation.

BEST PHONES (low radiation) WORST PHONES (high radiation) Nokia 9300i Kyocera Jax S1300 [Virgin Mobile] Nokia 7710 T-Mobile myTouch 3G [T-Mobile] T-Mobile MDA (WIZA200) Blackberry Curve 8330 [Sprint, U.S. Cellular, Verizon Wireless, MetroPCS] Samsung Impression (SGH-a877) [AT&T] Palm Treo 600 Nokia 9300 T-Mobile Shadow [T-Mobile] Samsung Propel Pro (SGH-i627) [AT&T] Blackberry Bold 9000 [AT&T] Samsung Gravity (SGH-t459) [CellularONE, T-Mobile] Blackberry Curve 8300 Smartphone Blackberry Storm 9500 Smartphone Palm Treo 650 Blackberry Storm 9530 [Verizon Wireless] Blackberry Curve 8300 [AT&T, T-Mobile] Nokia E90 Sony Ericsson P910a

Samsung B5310 CorbyPRO, Ponsel Touchscreen QWERTY Apik

Kesuksesan Samsung semakin melejit dengan kehadiran ponsel QWERTY geser samping terbaru tipe B5310 CorbyPRO. Handphone B5310 CorbyPRO unik tersebut juga dilengkapi dengan casing yang cerah, mewarnai display 2.8 inch QVGA plus touchscreen. Masih ditambah camera 3 megapiksel, juga koneksi cepat untuk akses Internet dari jaringan 3G HSDPA, dan Wi-Fi untuk download super cepat. Samsung B5310 CorbyPRO memiliki fitur SMS messaging, layanan push email, aplikasi Facebook dan MySpace. Pengguna dapat mendengarkan musik yang tersimpan di microSD card atau dari FM radio melalui 3.5mm audio jack. Handset Samsung B5310 CorbyPRO ini akan dirilis pertama di Eropa mulai November dan untuk pasar yang lebih luas, walaupun harga pastinya belum dipublikasikan.

Spesifikasi handphone Samsung B5310 CorbyPRO :

  • Tipe :
    • GSM Quad-band (850/900/1800/1900 MHz)
    • UMTS dual-band European/Asian 3G (900/2100 MHz)
  • Data : GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSDPA 1.8 Mbit/s/HSDPA 3.6 Mbit/s/HSDPA 7.2 Mbit/s, 3G
  • Dimensi :    4.13 x 2.24 x 0.62 inches (105 x 56.8 x 15.68 mm)
  • Bobot : 4.76 oz (135 g)
  • Baterai : Li – Ion, 960 mAh
  • Display : 2.8 inch tipe TFT, resolusi 240 x 320 pixels, 16 777 216 colors, fitur touchscreen
  • Camera : 3 megapixels, Video
  • Fitur : Digital zoom, camera tambahan untuk video calls
  • Multimedia :
    • Video Playback MPEG4, WMV, DivX, H.263
    • Music Player MP3, AAC, AAC+, WMA
    • FM Radio dengan RDS
  • Memory : internal 100MB, microSD/microSDHC
  • Input : Full Keyboard QWERTY
  • Konektivitas :
    • Internet WAP 2.0, HTML
    • USB microUSB
    • WiFi 802.11b/802.11g
    • Bluetooth 2.1, Stereo Bluetooth
    • HeadPhone Jack (3.5mm)
  • Fitur lainnya : phonebook, Alarm, Calendar, Calculator, TO-DO, World Clock, Voice
  • Recording, Speaker Phone, Email, GPS

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Durante l’estate, una delle fotografie scattate per analizzare e studiare Piazza di Tor Sanguigna e pubblicata su Flickr, è stata selezionata e scelta come foto rappresentativa del Rione Ponte (Roma).

La selezione è avvenuta ad opera di Schmap, guida turistica online, che può anche essere scaricata su alcuni cellulari Nokia e su Iphone.

ecco il sito Schmap, ed ecco la foto selezionata

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Nokia unveils Canadian holiday line-up

When it comes to the worldwide cell phone market, the Nokia brand is probably the biggest name out there.  The comapny continues to corner the “featurephone” market with their product variety ranging from everyday cell phones each with their own style and specific functions (N-Gage, UMA, Social Networking, Calender/Planning) , specialized handsets for music (Xpress Music), and the yet to be released N86 with 8MP Carl Zeiss camera.  In addition, Nokia has also begun to make waves in the smartphone market with their critically acclaimed E71 while further establishing itself with their wide array of styles of Bluetooth accessories.  This Holiday season, rather than offering one or two phones they hope to cater to everyone’s need, Nokia’s roster includes a variety of products ranging in price and features too meet anyone’s budget and specific funtional needs.    

Be sure to check out Nokia’s Canadian Holiday Gift Buying guide for all their featured products.

Открытие нового блога

Блог Султана.

     Здравствуйте! Сегодня я открываю блог в котором будут находится информации про мобильные телефоны и смартфоны.

     На данный момент существуют много блогов на эти темы. Этот блог будет иметь более полную информацию о новых продуктов связи и поможет вам выбрать тот телефон который отвечает вашим требованиям.

     Блог будет дополняться свежими информациями с изображениями и видео.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Nokia E71 in gebruik genomen

Een nieuwe baan brengt veel goeds. Een nieuwe uitdaging, maar ook kleine aardigheden. Waaronder een nieuwe smartphone. In mijn geval de Nokia E71. De E71 is een Symbian-toestel, dat zich uitstekend in een zakelijke omgeving laat gebruiken. Het standaard toestel was een HTC Touch Pro2. Ook niets mis mee, maar met mijn natuurlijke afkeer voor Windows-producten was ik toch blij dat ik een andere keuze kon maken. Een iPhone viel af. Niet veilig genoeg in een zakelijke omgeving en een onprettig toetsenbord als je veel moet typen. Met behulp van Mail for Exchange heb ik een prima werkpaard, waarmee ook nog voldoende leuks is te doen.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Over 30 Million Media Phones Expected To Ship in 2014

The “Fourth Screen” market is a sector of the technology industry that includes digital photo frames, and Internet appliances. A new ABI Research study called Connected Home Devices (Fourth Screen) takes a look at this market and what it will look like for remainder of this year up until 2014, covering the geographic areas of North America, Asia Pacific, European and RoW.

Out of the fourth screen market the fastest-growing device type is the media phone. Media phones are expected to generate a market value above US$5 billion by 2014. In 2014 alone, it is expected that 30 million media phones will be shipped. That’s pretty good growth considering the first media phones only began to show up late last year in the U.S.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Deveras interessante

British-based social travel website Dopplr is being bought by mobile phone titan Nokia for around €15m (£13.5m), according to reports.

The boutique travel company, which is based in London and Helsinki, launched in 2007 as a way for frequent travellers to keep track of their movements. After receiving around €1.5m in funding from The Accelerator Group and a number of private investors, the company expanded into travel tips and forged a series of partnerships with high-end brands such as Mr & Mrs Smith and Monocle.

Porra, a Nokia mandou bem demais.

Do The Guardian

Nokia Mixed Reality

Nokia have recently released a new video showing their vision for the future fusing of mobile, social technology with day-to-day life. Nokia claim:

“This concept allows to you to experience immersion and effortless navigation in new ways. New types of interactions involving near-to-eye displays, gaze direction tracking, 3D audio, 3D video, gesture and touch. Through these new types of social linkages people will be connected in innovative ways between the physical and digital worlds.”

Personally I’m not really sure if this type of future reality is one which most people would want, or need, but it does show the beginnings of what technology could make possible. You can read more about this type of technology in a previous augmented reality blog post.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Suntem chiar asa de prosti?

De vreo saptamana incoace tot primesc mass-uri sau citesc pe forumuri cum ca toata lumea cauta sa cumpere sau sa vanda telefoane Nokia 1100 la preturi fenomenale. Well…sunteti tampiti! Cum mama dracu sa credeti ca puteti face fraude bancare cu un telefon? Oricare ar fi el ) Sau ca nu poate fi ascultat…de parca v-ar asculta cineva convorbirile ) Intr-adevar, se confirma inca o data ca lumea poate fi extrem de usor manipulata si ca ne tragem din maimute…
Nu voi enumera motivele din care cauza cred eu ca este o mare tampenie, ci voi pune un articol, elaborat mai bine si cu date mai exacte, care contin si ideile mele.

Telefoane folosite in fraude bancare: o informatie lansata de o firma dubioasa din Olanda arunca in aer pretul unui telefon devenit deja istorie
Fenomenul Nokia 1100: Cum au ajuns romanii sa vanda cu 2.000 de euro un telefon de duzina
Dezvaluiri – Fenomenul Nokia 1100: Cum au ajuns romanii sa vanda cu 2.000 de euro un telefon de duzina
Rubricile de mica publicitate abunda in anunturi de vanzare a telefoanelor Nokia 1100, pentru care unii proprietari cer si 2.000 de euro
Gabriel Bejan, sef departament Investigatii
Miercuri, 23 Septembrie 2009

» Telefoanele din acest model produse de cunoscuta companie finlandeza au ajuns sa aiba preturi astronomice, deoarece o companie obscura a spus ca acestea pot fi folosite de hackeri.

» Specialistii in IT spun ca informatiile respective sunt fabulatii si ca ar putea fi vorba despre o noua teapa de genul “masina de cusut Singer”.

Multi romani au aflat in ultimele luni ca au in casa o mica avere. Telefonul mobil banal, primit gratis de la serviciu sau cumparat cu 2 lei si pe care, probabil,
nu l-au mai folosit de cativa ani ar valora acum cateva mii sau, dupa cum spun unii, cateva zeci de mii de euro. Nokia 1100, un telefon care s-a vandut pe glob in peste 200 de milioane de exemplare, a devenit peste noapte un dispozitiv electronic dorit de hackerii din toata lumea. Asta, pentru ca modelul respectiv ar avea, din fabricatie, o defectiune care permite obtinerea parolelor unor conturi bancare personale si, prin urmare, spolierea posesorilor acestora de sume importante de bani.

De altfel, vestea ca Nokia 1100 este atat de valoros s-a propagat cu mare viteza – pe
internet sau din gura in gura –, astfel incat mii de romani cer acum pe un asemenea telefon preturi incredibile. Povestea a prins foarte bine la public, chiar daca are toate ingredientele unei tepe organizate, de tipul afacerii cu masini de cusut Singer, considerata deja fumata in lumea escrocilor.

Specialistul olandez
Sursa informatiilor despre posibilitatile inedite ale Nokia 1100 – este vorba doar despre telefoanele fabricate in Germania, la Bochum, in anul 2003 – ar fi o companie din Olanda, Ultrascan Advanced Global Investigations, specializata in investigarea de fraude pe internet. Frank Engelsman, unul dintre angajatii acestei firme, a explicat in luna aprilie 2009 ca telefoanele respective ar avea o defectiune de soft care ar permite interceptarea mesajelor primite de proprietarii telefoanelor de la bancile la care au deschise conturi. Dupa cum a explicat reprezentatul Ultrascan, mesajele respective care contin coduri de identificare ale tranzactiilor bancare si parole de conturi ar fi putut fi directionate catre alte telefoane, astfel incat sa ajunga in mainile unor infractori, care ulterior sa foloseasca datele pentru a scoate bani din conturile persoanelor respective.

Afirmatiile lui Engelsman au fost preluate rapid de mai multe ziare si site-uri de internet din Europa, desi, printr-un comunicat, Nokia a dezmintit categoric faptul ca modelul respectiv ar avea o asemenea problema. O serie de elemente insa arata ca “descoperirea senzationala” a companiei Ultrascan ridica multe semne de intrebare. In primul rand, ce se stie despre aceasta firma? Informatiile sunt foarte putine. Ultrascan are sediul in Amsterdam si site-ul sau de internet a fost deschis – culmea! – in decembrie 2008, mai exact, cu cateva luni inainte de a iesi la rampa cu scandalul Nokia. Situatie cat se poate de bizara pentru o companie care se recomanda a avea experienta in securitate online. In plus, pe cateva site-uri de internet din Olanda scrie ca Ultrascan nu este inregistrata la Camera de Comert din Olanda si ca “specialistul” Engelsman este anchetat de autoritatile judiciare olandeze.

“Teoretic, se poate, practic, nu”
Semne serioase de intrebare ridica si afirmatiile lui Engelsman legate oportunitatile pentru hackeri oferite de telefoanele Nokia 1100. Specialistii romani in IT consultati de Romania libera au explicat ca interceptarea datelor bancare dupa metodele descrise de olandez este posibila “doar teoretic, nu si practic”. “Nu inteleg de ce un asa-zis hacker ar avea nevoie de un telefon anume. De obicei, se cloneaza cartelele SIM, astfel incat un SMS trimis la un anumit numar de telefon sa ajunga in acelasi timp si pe alta cartela. Una dintre probleme este insa aceea ca operatorii de telefonie afla daca un SIM a fost clonat pentru ca au un sistem de urmarire a pozitiei geografice a fiecarei cartele. In al doilea rand, bancile nu mai folosesc sistemul acesta de transmitere de date catre client. Prin SMS-uri nu se mai trimit decat putine informatii, astfel incat, daca acestea ajung in mainile unui infractor, nu are la ce sa le foloseasca. Practic, i-ar trebui multe date pentru a putea face tranzactii bancare in numele adevaratului client, iar acestea nu se transmit prin telefon”, ne-a declarat Alexandru Lazar, specialist intr-o firma de securitate pe internet.

“Telefonul cautat”
In ciuda semnelor mari de intrebare ridicate de afirmatiile Ultrascan, povestea telefoanelor “minune” a prins foarte bine in Romania. Site-urile de anunturi sunt pline de oferte de vanzare cu modelul respectiv, iar preturile cerute sunt ridicol de mari. Numai pe ieri puteau fi numarate peste 600 de anunturi pentru “Nokia 1100, fabricat in Germania inainte de 2003″, “doar pentru cunoscatori”, “modelul cautat”, pentru care se cereau intre 50 si cateva mii de euro. Unii dintre proprietarii acestora erau atat de convinsi ca mobilul lor face banii solicitati, incat refuzau din start orice negociere. Iata dialogul purtat cu unul dintre vanzatori (ce s-a recomandat Laura), care cerea 8.000 RON pentru un singur mobil:

» “Reporter: De ce vreti atat de multi bani pentru un Nokia 1100?
Laura: Pentru ca este ACEL model!

» Reporter: Care model?
Laura: Daca nu stii, lasa! Du-te si intereseaza-te si dupa aia mai vorbim!

» Reporter: Am auzit ceva, ca ar fi cautat de hackeri…
Laura: Pai, vezi?

» Reporter: Nu cred insa ca este adevarat…
Laura: Este foarte adevarat! (dupa care a inchis telefonul)”

Alti proprietari cu care am discutat pareau totusi sceptici, chiar daca afisau siguranta:

» “Vanzator: Am auzit ca in strainatate s-au dat si 25.000 euro pentru un asemenea model. Nu stiu acum daca-i chiar adevarat…
Reporter: E o poveste. Un telefon atat de banal si depasit costa un euro!

» Vanzator: Poate. Dar eu cred ca-i pe bune!”

Afacerea cu masini de cusut Singer
Una dintre cele mai mediatizate tepe din ultimii ani – si care, din pacate, a facut multe victime in Romania – este cea cu masinile de cusut Singer. Escrocii postau anunturi de genul: “Colectionar german cumpar masini Singer, telefon XXX…”. Iar cand erau sunati de oamenii care detineau un astfel de obiect, raspundeau: “Ai exact seria care ma intereseaza, numai ca vreau sa cumpar doua masini de cusut. Mergi dumneata la adresa cutare si cumpara de acolo tot o masina Singer, vii cu amandoua la mine si-ti dau 100 mii euro”. Incantat de faptul ca ar putea obtine o suma atat de mare de bani, naivul se ducea la persoana indicata, cumpara masina respectiva de cusut cu o suma uriasa si apoi il cauta pe “colectionarul german” pentru a-i vinde “la pachet” cele doua obiecte de marca.

Evident ca acesta nu mai era de gasit, iar naivul ramanea cu o gaura mare in buget: banii pe care-i platise pentru a cumpara cea de-a doua masina si care in realitate nu valora mai nimic. Succesul acestei afaceri (care probabil mai functioneaza si astazi) s-a datorat unor ingrediente care, teoretic, nu au cum sa dea gres: raspandirea rapida a unei informatii aparent exacte (masinile de cusut Singer ar detine niste numere de identificare unice, de mare pret pentru colectionari), foamea de chilipiruri a oamenilor (100.000 euro pentru doua masini de cusut, de pe vremea bunicii!) si folosirea unor argumente sofisticate, cu care oamenii obisnuiti nu sunt familiarizati.

Aceleasi ingrediente pot fi recunoscute fara mare efort si in “Afacerea Nokia 1100″. Vom afla in curand si care este adevarata miza a descoperirii “senzationale” a olandezului de la Ultrascan. Sau poate vom afla ca niste baieti inteligenti vor sa scape de telefoanele banale, care, sa nu uitam, au fost vandute in peste 200 de milioane de exemplare. Asta, numai dupa ce vor ridica pretul acestora de pe piata la un nivel multumitor!

» Politia Romana nu ancheteaza afacerea Nokia 1100
Dupa ce preturile la respectivul model de Nokia au explodat si in Olanda, politia din aceasta tara s-a sesizat si a inceput o ancheta pentru a vedea care este motivul acestei aberatii. Nu acelasi lucru s-a intamplat si in Romania, desi avem de a face cu o situatie similara. Biroul de presa al Inspectoratului General al Politiei ne-a informat ca Serviciul de combatere a infractionalitatii informatice nu a declansat nici o investigatie in acest caz. Din ce motiv? “Aceasta problema nu a intrat pana acum in atentia noastra.”


Asadar? Sunteti sau nu dobitoci?

P.S.: Da! Nu chiar toti, pt ca unii stiu sa profite pe urma acestei idiotenii )

Electronics, Energy, Biotechnology Innovations

Electronics, Energy, Biotechnology Innovations

Gregory Tangonan Interview

Aside from your recommendation for the establishment of a similar institution like the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), what are Comste’s recommendations?

We have proposal for an industry that’s destined to grow—energy. It’s a joint electronics-energy project. If we just stay in one sector, we’re not going to have something bold, something strategic, something new.

We want to deploy solar panels, solar systems that are green technology. It’s something they’re doing in California, India, China, and Australia.

Thomas Friedman’s book “Hot, Flat, and Crowded” tells Americans to innovate, innovate, to make a green revolution. That’s from a country that’s a champion of innovation and saying ‘We’ve lost our way.’ The green revolution will recreate America, regenerate its creative juices, and will also save a lot of money in building new technology. The Americans are very serious about it.

What about us?

We want to put up 5,000 solar systems for lighting, education, entertainment, internet access, and clean water. We’ll get the panels from Sun Power and other people. If we have to import, (we hope it’s for) no tax at all. We’ll start building. We’ll make the extra electronics, the inverters. All the other components should be Philippine-made or assembled.

We’ll deploy these in agricultural communities through local governments, use them in clever ways, and release the typical Pinoy resourcefulness. We’ll liberate our farmers. It’s not hard core electronics, but it will create a market for our own green technology rather than we waiting for what the Australians, Japanese, Thais will sell us.

It will be in small communities that are cut off in time of disaster. Some of them don’t have power. They have no grid at all.

We’ll use solar power to give clean water. One of the basic needs of our people is clean drinking water. We can store rain water. Use solar power to charge the battery and pump water through a filter. You can run the water through a UV to get the pathogens out. We could clean with the UV system like two gallons. If you give people stable, clean water solutions, people won’t get sick (and become productive). Kids can study.

Is it viable?

It’s very viable. We found out El Nido use it (water-purifying system) in its resort. They’re not using solar power. They have their own power. But they harvest rain water and save themselves a lot of money as opposed to desalination ‘cause there’s no water you can get by drilling in Palawan. If power comes from solar or wind, then people will have something they will want to own in their community.

If you put these systems in small fishing villages, we will find other things to do with it like using water to clean fish.

We’ve approached Sun Power so we can work on clean water. We’ll work on generating hydrogen from electrolysis so we could use it for fuel cells.

How much is the cost? Who can finance it?

One of these two kilowatt (KW) systems probably costs $10,000. But over 10, 20 years if it’s providing all these and we did all the electronics, we will have created an industry, maybe form companies, and apply it to agriculture and aquaculture before anybodyelse did.

We also like to propose aggressively building 10-megawatt facilities. Maybe USAID (United States Agency for International Development) can finance. If we think very small, we can only get small results. But if we think ourselves collaborating with other countries, we get the expertise. Aside from solar photovoltaic, there may be other systems like solar thermal we’d rather do. We can do hybrid –wind, solar– and change the landscape of our remote areas.

We’ll design (electronics systems). That’s where ERDT (Engineering Research and Development for Technology) can help—in designing this 2.5 KW system.

How about your other energy technologies, the algae for oil, at Ateneo Innovation Center (AIC)?

People are working all over the world on algae for oil. At Ateneo, we’ve been working on the use of LEDs (light emitting diode). The light from LED is tuned to the right wavelength that the algae absorbs the most. We can grow them faster. We (need to) also have the right species. We have many species in the Philippines. Combine them in the photo-bioreactor, feed them the right food.

In other countries they have genetically modified (GM) algae. We don’t have that. But we like to build our own basic work (so that later) we’ll be able to work with Australians working on GM algae or team with the Americans.

(With an LED), we’re doing photosynthesis in a kind of artificial way. We’re fooling the algae by giving him the wavelength he’s most sensitive to, but we’re taking energy from all other light rays that he likes.

Algae don’t like short wavelength. That harms them. We’ll take all of that energy, and put that in a battery, convert it, and then come back at another light. The whole system is like an artificial photosynthesis. We started that in 2007. Now we’re building a generator or reactor.

What is the role of the private sector here?

(Aquaculture firm) Alsons’ role has been crucial. It’s a very good example of how an industry can lead us. They need to grow algae for food for fish, for tilapia. They know how to feed the fish. They know species control. Up to now they grow the algae out in the sun, just out in the open. But it’s very difficult to control the contaminants that way.

You can poison the whole fish farm if the wrong algae starts to grow. (That’s why) Alsons is very interested in a more controlled growth so they can grow 100 % of a particular species, grow them faster, fatter, and there are no contaminants. (And) if they can get other kinds of algae they want, they could grow other kind of species like crabs.

The industry-academe partnership will help a lot. We’ll know what’s hot, what’s not. What we’re developing is guided by what the industry really wants which is really what the university should do.

Why pretend that after five years they’re going to wait for your result? That model never worked anywhere.

What are the other companies you’re working with?

One of the persons we’re talking to on electronics is with Circuit Solutions. Of course some faculty members at Ateneo have their own blue chip design company. We’re talking to companies like Japan Radio Corp. (JRC) on microwave products for wireless communications.

You’ve been working on SMS (short message service) researches at Ateneo. Please brief us.

We pride ourselves on having set our world record on New Year’s Day, 1.5 billion text messages.

(But transmission was) really bad on New Year’s Day. On normal situations, 11%, 18%, 23% is being lost. Even if you have two cellphones on, 15% is being lost. If one is off, it loses 23%. If I do double message, the sending goes down to 32% (one of the two sets of messages, for example, is lost).

We would send hundreds of texts in a day on normal days, during a coup d’etat at Mandarin, from Quezon City to Ilocos, students sending it to one another. We find it interesting, (out of) 50 messages, 20 are missing, 30 sent.

We measured overall efficiency of the networks– Globe to Globe, Smart to Smart, Sun to Sun– for several months. We developed a quality rating for the networks– if the message sent was received. If received, how fast did it take, what fraction gets there.

We sent messages, used the computer and bluetooth connection, logged receipt of the messages, and measured how many got there. NTC (National Telecommunications Commission) was shocked. All the networks are clogged, running at 95, 90, almost 99% of their capacity.

This is the kind of thesis our undergraduates do. We’re really proud.

How can we use your researches?

You can predict Brazil is going to be like this, Venezuela, all the African countries because texting is the cheapest mode of communication. So how badly we do here will reflect later on others, unless somebody comes up with a new architecture.

Until people complain, networks won’t increase capacity. It’s incumbent on us to get this hard data because networks won’t do it on their own.

If we monitor the service, it can change the kind of negotiation (in telecommunications). But nobody’s talking about quality of service. We’re trying to build a computer model on what the demand is. If you have this, the pricing model will change.

We rely on our cellphones so much, but the network gets worst in times like typhoon when you need to pick up your niece. They shut down power before the typhoon comes. So the base stations are on battery power, and there’s a chance that important messages will not go through.

(Later), we’ll be able to predict inter-operator (Globe to Smart, for example) efficiency. In between network, it will be very bad.

In a sense, our research is consumer-based. But we want the students to understand, is there another way to build the cellphone architecture so we can handle more traffic?

If we have a system like a distributed architecture which again is another research, we may be able to text and text one billion per day and get a quality of service that not even two percent gets lost. Vendors like Nokia, Ericsson are working on things like that. It’s also where we can work with them.

Does that involve cost?

Probably not so much investment because a lot of these use existing technology, except that you’re not using the wireless throughout. You can actually use the internet.

What’s really AIC’s vision?

We want to be known as a place that’s extremely industry-friendly. You can come, ask your questions. If there’s a technology you like to learn about, we could help you. If you need the expertise of some of our people, hire them as consultant. If you want to form a company, go ahead. We want to be all of those things.

What are you doing on biomedicine?

We do things like those for acupuncture, monitoring the skin, developing low cost tomography, developing medical database, doing urinalysis using cellphone. I wouldn’t wanna say this looks like a winner. But we have 15 projects going on at various stages, and the majority have industry participation.

Why is collaboration so important?

If you want to do basic Chemistry or Math, you can do it on your regular department. But when you are on more complex problems like algae for oil, cleaning up of piggery and extracting energy from those, that’s a multidisciplinary problem. It takes a biologist, a chemist, an electronics person, a wireless person, and one who works on a computer model. Those are the kinds of problems that require new ways of approaching and typically interdisciplinary.

Almost every organization around the world is forming some kind of an institute to do multidisciplinary, really hard problems.

Working on a biomedical device requires an engineer, a medical personnel, a physicist who understands the science, and biochemist. We need to form organizations like that.

What is your work on rain sensors about?

We’re building a national rain sensor, so we can alarm people when rain got to say 50 millimeters per hour. We’re building a system using microwave that you can monitor. That requires engineering people, microwave people like JRC. We now have a unique approach for a disaster rain alarm. If it’s using existing infrastructure of the cellphone, even wireless Smartbro, we can turn that into a rain sensor too. That’s completely new.

You can monitor performance of the microwave links and then you can also measure the rain. These things are all over the Philippines. In almost every small town you go, there’s a cellphone tower. And those towers are connected by microwave links. So by monitoring power and those microwave links, we can measure the rain. It’s scalable to the whole nation because these equipments are all over, but which is never measured.

We did our own study for the last three years. We monitored the transmitter, received power changes with rain. We developed an acoustic rain sensor. It cannot predict disaster, but maybe forewarn people in potential areas where there could be flooding or landslide. We work with agencies like the Manila Observatory that has all the land use maps.

This is an example of a multidisciplinary work. But if you can’t form those kinds of team, sorry you can’t have it.

What strength do we have in the biomedical technology?

We have electronic people who can make loop circuits. We can build these devices here.

We have doctors who can use it, doctors in America who can use it. That’s a major.

Our doctors may be willing to support it, but we’re not talking in one big voice in organizing ourselves. We’re talking about medical tourism. But what’s the front and end for medical tourism?

(The idea) is before a person gets here, he’s already in the web. He’s already interacting with doctors here on his blood pressure, all these vital signs through the cellphone, through the internet. So we should be building that interface.

This is not brand new. So many schools have been making low-cost ECG machines. In the States, you can probably buy a personal ECG machine for $200. But that will go nowhere. But if we wire them up, we have an interface. We’ll put them in small villages where people will upload their ECG everyday. We can build telemedicine. That’s a revolution. That’s doing something different.

How can we get everybody organized for this?

We can form a consortium of hospitals– St. Luke’s, Medical City, PGH– electronic companies, doctors, universities, and maybe investors, and link them to the local government.

One will build the ECG, another will make the GSM modem so it can communicate. We’ll build and get products more reliable. We’ll do it locally and we can actually export those things that the Japanese don’t do well.

We can propose these and let politicians do legislations to make something like this happen. We have major advantages, but we don’t configure ourselves to exploit them. That’s our fault.

By proposing a consortium, we can attack lets say a barangay level medicine, improving their system by 10 times. We can think about what technologies will support medical tourism. That’s really really big.

How important is forming consortiums?

If you’re gonna attack a problem like barangay medical tourism where 60% of people haven’t seen a doctor all their lives, then you need all the brains that you can.

Dr. Gregory L. Tangonan is AIC director and Congressional Commission on Science Technology, and Engineering director, He was Hughes Research Laboratory Director; holder of 38 US patents, and a Ph. D holder in Applied Physics from the California Institute of Technology.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Nokia N900, Time Nokia Talked.

The New Nokia NSeries Phone

Nokia has introduced it’s new touch-screen mobile phone which I have to say it’s amazing.        The phone is a iPhone-Killer. Now you might have remembered my last post, in every reviews we review the product in three categories which is Appearance , System Performance, and features. The most important categories on any electronic device.

The phone is beautifully designed, it’s got a QWERTY keyboard which is easier for people to type their messages, a 3.5 inch touch screen which might be the same size as the iPhone but a little bit more wider, and they haven’t made any new colors except for black. The device looks beautiful but the bad side is it’s too thick, most people don’t like think phones and is quite big! The phone is great for people who hate tapping on the screen. Lets say the phone gets a 8.5 out of 10 right now.

System Performance
The new Nokia N900 isn’t the same as the Nokia 97, the new mobile device comes with a new software named “Maemo”. A great software which makes the telephone easier to use and that is multi-task. The phone is extremely fast but not that fast! You might see the demos on Nokia but note that’s it’s not true! The iPhone might win for gaming, the Nokia N900 isn’t a typical gaming phone. But it comes with 3D, there might be other apps on the OVI store. The system performance is much faster than the pervious touch-screen Nokia N97! We’ll give it 8 points, we’ll update this category after testing it out!

The new Nokia N900 comes with so many new features, it might kill the iPhone! Nokia wanted to make it easier for people to access everything on the phone which now they improved their dashboard which now you don’t need to worry about anything anymore. The Web application on the device is fantastic, you get to surf the internet like your really on the web! It comes with Flash support so iPhone that’s bad! Get ready to watch videos without switching to another app you can now view it on the same application. Another great thing is communication! the main reason for mobiles, talking to your friends hasn’t been any easier! You can call, SMS, send an e-mail, and IM. All you need is Wi-Fi or use your 3G Network. You can view your pictures beautifully or you can capture with clear Carl Zeiz 5 Megapixel camera which I thought that was amazing. You can also share your pictures via any website like Facebook, Myspace, Flickr, and many more! You also have tag clouds, you can view pictures the same day or the same subject.

This device is fantastic, if your planning on buying it you should! This product is still not released but it may be released late september or October 2009. Pre-Order it today!

Nokia BH-905 Noise Cancellation Bluetooth Stereo Headphone review – part 4 (final)

Noise Cancellation

I have wanted a noise cancellation headphone for some time but never did pick one up.  I have tried my cousin’s Bose QC 2 a few years ago.  While the QC 2 does it job, I did not like the sound/pressure it builds up.  Since then,  I have read reviews of the products in this space (Bose, Sennheiser, Audio Technica, etc) as well as the technology behind it before I took this plunge.  Does the BH-905 live up to Nokia’s claim of achieving up to 99% of the external noise reduction?

Simply flip the ANC switch on the side of the headphone to activate Active Noise Cancellation (the green/red LED right beneath the ANC switch indicates the status).   Well, noise cancellation does work, filtering external noise so one does not have to adjust the sound volume.  I tried this on my commute to work (noisy train), machine room with noisy air conditioners.  I feel that it is able to cancel out constant rumbling from the surroundings, but not people – which is good.  However, when the headphone is not playing music, I can still hear some rumblings.  Overall, I am quite satisfied.

Voice capturing

When I was on the train, I made a couple of calls with ANC set.  Unfortunately, the receiver could not hear very clearly what I was saying.  It turns out, the headphone’s two microphones for voice picked up all of the noises from the train while I was able to hear very clearly what the receiver was saying.

In conclusion, the BH-905 fulfills most of what I want.  It is not a headphone for audiophiles but will serve well in a noisy environment where one does not need to speak.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Mobilephone design: Fewer keys is better

Since Apple introduced the iPhone, most of the manufacturers have discovered the beauty of simple lines. Whereas mobiles featured many buttons a 3 years ago there is now a race towards the minimum of hardkeys. iPhone has set the trend with its unbeatten one hardkey.

iPhone : one hard key

Let’s have a loo at a few devices of the HTC range. The TyTN 2 in 2007 featured 6 hardkeys and a navigation key. Following generation Diamond (2008) featured 4 keys and a navigation key, then the Diamond 2 (2009) just featured 4 keys and a zoom bar.

HTC devices: fewer and fewer hardkeys

Toshiba’s range followed the same track, from the G900 in 2007 with its 9 hardkeys and a navigation key (!), the G810 (2008) with 6 keys and a nav key and the latest TG01 (2009) featuring only 2 hardkeys and a zoom bar.

Toshiba range evolution towards pure lines

Even Nokia’s device are getting simpler with fewer keys as the latest 5800 and N97.

Nokia touch screen devices

Mobiles are going away of the calculator look they had not so long ago, and no one will complain!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Lista das marcas mais valiosas do mundo: e a vencedora é...

A Interbrand soltou o relatório de 2009 com a avaliação das marcas mais valiosas do mundo. Para se qualificar para a lista, uma marca tem que ter dados financeiros publicados e tem que gerar pelo menos 1/3 das suas vendas fora do país de origem (por isso, por exemplo, que o Walmart não se qualifica).

A Coca-Cola continua no posto de marca mais valiosa seguida de IBM, Microsoft, GE, Nokia, McDonald’s, Google, Toyota, Intel e Disney. Lista abaixo com os 10 primeiros (lista dos 100 primeiros no site da Interbrand aqui).

  • A Coca-Cola cresceu 3% vs. o ano anterior, e o relatório diz que isso é em razão da agressividade da empresa durante a crise. A Coca lançou 700 produtos no mundo todo em 2008 e “se mantém super focada em marketing in-store e embalagens.” Olha, eles realmente fizeram e fazem um grande trabalho. Mas quando você olha os números, vê que seus concorrentes e empresas de natureza similar tiveram resultados de crescimento similares (por exemplo, Pepsi também cresceu 3%).
  • A Google continua com crescimento fantástico (25%). Já escrevi sobre algumas decisões que considero erros estratégicos (post: Google Chrome – Estratégia certa para o Google?), mas no geral não há o que questionar o sucesso da estratégia de foco constante em inovação e criação de novas categorias.
  • Já escrevi sobre a confusão em que estão as eletrônicas (post: Bola fora do novo slogan da Sony). A falta de foco no consumidor é grande e os resultados da Sony (-12%), Phillips (-2%), Canon (-4%), Panasonic (-1%) e  Samsung (-1%) mostram isso. Como disse antes no mesmo post, não é a toa que a Apple está comendo no quintal deles (cresceu 12%).
  • Gillete parece não ter sofrido com a compra pela Procter & Gamble (+4%).
  • Industria automobilística: Toyota (-8%), Mercedez Benz (-7%), BMW (-7%), Honda (-7%), Porche (-8%). Já escrevi dos problemas desta indústria (post: Crise das Montadoras de Automóveis é de Branding).
  • Dá pena ver o Starbucks (-16%), mas também já escrevi sobre o problema duas vezes (Starbucks e Mais sobre o Starbucks).
  • Parabéns a Amazon com inovação via Kindle (+22%)
  • Harley-Davidson caiu 43%!!!! Parece que não pelos mesmos problemas de branding das montadoras, mas seu tipo de negócio (supérfluo caríssimo de luxo) sofreu com a crise.

Teria mais coisa… mas o post já está longo demais.

Friday morning

Hey hey! It’s friday morning & I’m off to work. The bus is a peaceful place, I’m listening to Philip Glass & havent been hassled by any bams as it meanders through the south side. Tomorrow wee Sam has her birthday party, should be fun. Then it’s all that mad running around nonsense that you do the day before you go on holiday. I’m off to see the brother in law in Spain for 5 days so I might soak up a few…rays!

I’m slowly getting to grips with WordPress/Wordmobi & I can honestly say it’s the business. I’m squirting this stuff out on my e71 & find the screen size & teeny button combo not that great but it’s discrete at least. I fancy the look of the n97 so I might go for one of those when upgrade time comes around. If you are reading this & have any experiences with said device, let me know. The n900 looks a beast too with the added bonus of running on Linux. That ticks a few boxes for me, being a dedicated Linux user for a fair number of years. It’s good to see the guys at Nokia leaning towards Linux on devices. What would be really neat would be Linux apps on PC for said devices. I feel I miss out on things like maps & multimedia stuff not having the Nokia PC Suite. My stop is coming up again so I’ll scoot off for now.

Posted by Wordmobi

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Netbook dari Nokia akan segera hadir

Yupz, kabar nokia akan meluncurkan netbook memang sudah terdengar awal tahun ini. Tapi kali ini tampaknya kabar itu akan segera terealisasi. Nokia telah melakukan pemesanan pada Quanta Computer Inc dan Compaq Electronics Inc. Seperti diketahui dua perusahaan itu termasuk perusahaan pembuat notebook didunia. Nokia terlihat tidak main-main nampaknya untuk inovasi terbarunya ini. Dari heandphone menuju netbook, sebuah langkah menarik yang dilakukan produsen heandphone papan atas dunia ini.

Keseriusan Nokia terjun dalam dunia komputer sudah terlihat sebelum ini letika mereka mengumumkan secara resmi kerjasamanya dengan intel. Menurut rencana, pada produk – produk Smartphone Nokia yang akan datang , processor yang digunakan adalah intel Antom. Boleh juga nih langkah Nokia, setelah ini inovasi apalagi ya yang akan dilakukan Nokia ? just weit and see …..

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Nokia N97: aplicaciones que debés tener sí o sí

Te pasamos un par de aplicaciones para tu Nokia N97, este es un celular relativamente nuevo en Argentina, por lo tanto todavía no existe tantas disponibles para esta versión, de todos modos tomá nota de las más interesantes y para que sirve cada una de ellas:

-Fring: Si tenes un Nokia esta aplicación no puede faltar en tu celular, te permite tenes Messenger, Skype, Gmail, Facebook, Google talk. etc., en un solo programa.

- Google Maps: Versión de la PC para tu celular muy útil a la hora de buscar direcciones, la única desventaja es que te marca el camino de cómo llegar, pero no te va guiando por voz.

- Phone Torch: Esta aplicación te permite usar el flash de tu nokia como una linterna para cuando necesite encontrar alguna cosa en la oscuridad.

- Nokia Photo Browser: Visor de imágenes diferentes muy útil para ir pasando fotos, reconoce caras, etc., lo podes bajar del Mismo link del Nokia 5800 ya que es la misma versión para tu Nokia N97.

Nokia's Plum Deal

Remember when Nokia was leading the mobile industry? With yesterday’s acquisition of Plum Ventures’ assets Nokia hopes to take on Blackberry, iPhone, and Android they hope to regain relevance through Plums social-network technology. Other former mobile giants LG and Motorola are making similar moves to regain their market share with the former’s own Android phone and the latter’s Cliq.

Handset developers are in a race to make networking sites like Facebook and Twitter as easy as possible to use on mobile phones. Nokia will also take advantage of Plum’s own social network called “Plum Groups” which utilizes a social location service, linking social contacts to users’ physical location.

Can Nokia draw a significant audience to an entirely new mass-market service? Twitter did it to Facebook. Facebook did it to MySpace. We’ll see if Plum has the juice.

Twitter & Facebook traffic explodes thanks to mobile users

What is the effect mobile users have on social network sites. The Australian Herald Sun tells the following story. For the original article please click here.

The number of mobile phone users accessing the popular social networking websites Twitter and Facebook has exploded. Traffic on Twitter, which allows users to post short messages or “tweets” about their every move, has soared 1382 per cent worldwide in the past year. The number of Facebook users connecting with friends and posting updates about their status on mobiles has ballooned to more than 65 million people a month – and it’s growing, the Herald Sun reports. Such is the global love affair with social networking via the mobile internet, telecommunications experts and mobile phone companies believe the phenomena is changing the way we communicate on the run.

Facebook’s director of mobile, Henri Moissinac, said that since the website’s launch in 2004, Facebook membership had soared to more than 250 million. “Fifty per cent of them connect every day. That’s more than five billion minutes spent on Facebook every day,” Mr Moissinac said at a recent mobile phone conference in Stuttgart.

However, parents need to be aware that it is not safe.

Poedaphiles have a new tool to lure young children. I speak from experience as my 13 ye… (Read More) No Facebook for kids of QLD “To put things in perspective, for most of these users, they spend more time on Facebook than watching TV.” Between 2007-08, the number of people accessing the net on a mobile device surged 315 per cent. One of the biggest drivers has been Facebook. “Since 2008 our traffic has gone through the roof,” Mr Moissinac said. “Growth is not slowing down. Facebook is now becoming one of the largest mobile services in the world.” Driving this huge growth is people’s desire to connect and share the details of their lives more often. “We used to see that happen once a day on the computer, but now we see them doing it 10 or 15 times or more (via mobile),” said Mr Moissinac.

Nokia’s executive vice-president of markets, Anssi Vanjoki, said the trend has seen a burgeoning appetite for maps, restaurant recommendations and photo sharing on mobile phones. These factors were driving the business now, he said. Veteran telecommunications analyst and researcher Paul Budde said online social networking was revolutionizing mobile phone use. He said 18 months ago, an estimated 3-5 per cent of Australians used their mobile phone to perform tasks beyond voice calls and SMS messaging. That figure is now nearly 40 per cent, with the trend most prevalent among younger Australians. “They are born into it. They don’t know any other way than social networking,” said Mr Budde. “Increasingly, this will become an integral part of how we communicate.”

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bluetooth vs. USB-johto

Kiitos kuvasta Flickr-käyttäjälle beezart

Olen tämän syksyä pitkälti etätyössä ja työvälineenä on keväällä hankkimani Asus Eeepc 901 -miniläppäri. Ostin koneen GNU/Linux -käyttöjärjestelmällä ja vaihdoin Xandros-distribuution Ubuntuun. Olen laitteeseen erittäin, erittäin tyytyväinen. Akkukin kestää 8 tuntia

Mobiililaajakaistani päivitin 1MB nopeuteen.  Minulla ei ole niin sanottua mokkulaa, vaan nettiyhteyteni on puhelimessani. Puhelimen ja läppärin välissä on Bluetooth-yhteys. Yhteyden nopeus tuntuu riittävältä ja liikkuu siellä 120KB/s:n hujakoilla kuten pitääkin. Sen sijaan latenssia yhteydessä on. Teinkin hieman testejä erilaisilla yhteyksillä. Testikomentona oli ping -c 200

Hyvillä 3G ja Bluetooth-yhteyksillä tulos on tämä:

200 packets transmitted, 200 received, 0% packet loss, time 206119ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 177.032/232.015/525.070/42.295 ms

Kun Bluetoothin vaihtaa usb-johtoon, on tulos tämä:

200 packets transmitted, 200 received, 0% packet loss, time 203270ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 80.082/104.190/758.103/55.453 ms

Molemmissa tapauksissa kone ja verkkoyhteys on kuormittamaton. Vaikuttaakohan tuohon pingiin puhelin paljonkin, omani on Nokia N95. Minhähänlaisia arvoja muut saavat vastaavilla testeillä?

Kun olen muunlaisten verkkoyhteyksien äärellä, lisään tänne vastaavat tiedot. Langallisella ethernet-yhteydellä ping lienee jotain parinkympin luokkaa, verrattuna 232:een ja 104:n yllä :\ Arvioisin, että mokkulalla latenssi olisi samoissa lukemissa kuin usb-johdolla, ellei N95 hidasta menoa tarpeettomasti. Olen muuten hieman katsellut uusia puhelimia, se on varmasti uuden sukupolven älypuhelin, eli kulttipuhelin iPhone, Android tai mahdollisesti Maemo-pohjainen N900.

Nova atualização - Nokia Messaging

Para quem ainda não conhece, a Nokia oferece emails com HTML em seus celulares, através do serviço Nokia Messaging.

É uma excelente pedida! Prático e funcional. O único defeito é não organizar os emails como o GMAIL faz (ouviu,  Nokia??).

A empresa liberou essa semana a nova versão do aplicativo para download.


Para obtê-la, clique aqui.


Fonte: Symbian-Guru

Nokia Buys Boutique Social Networking Firm

The latest news from the Finnish mobile giant is the purchase of Plum, a private social networking company.

Nokia today acquired Plum, a small company that created a platform for private social networks in a move seen as part of its transformation from wireless device maker to mobile service provider.

“Plum will complement Nokia’s Social Location services. The acquired Plum assets will become part of Nokia’s Services unit,” is all Nokia (NYSE:NOK) said in a brief statement issued today that did not disclose financial terms.

The company, which employs less than a dozen people in San Francisco and Boston, will continue to “operate unchanged,” said Plum founder Hans Peter in a blog post.

Plum’s software allows small groups to create private social networks, sharing links, photos and updates. It also licenses the platform to other companies and Web sites who employ it under their own branding.

The latest acquisition comes as Nokia shores up its position in the competitive wireless sector as it undergoes a transformation from phone maker to what Kai Oistamo, vice president of devices for Nokia, calls a “mobile solutions provider.”

While Nokia had little to add today on the Plum deal, the Finnish mobile giant has had plenty to say in the past few weeks as it announced several new products. These include the Nokia Booklet 3G netbook, the N900, a wireless device running on Maemo 5, and a new series of music smartphones.

It also ramped up efforts in the mobile app space by making it easier for developers to code new applications for its family of devices by issuing a new Ovi SDK.

In August, Nokia partnered with Microsoft in a deal that will begin by porting Office Mobile applications to run on the Symbian mobile OS.

Nokia had not returned calls seeking comment by press time.

Source :

Professional Web Design

Monday, September 14, 2009

Nokia a cumparat Plum - o retea de socializare privata

Nokia a achizitionat saptamana trecuta reteaua privata de socializare Plum. Oficialii Nokia au declarat ca serviciile Plum vor completa serviciile existente Nokia. Angajatii si locatiile companiei Plum vor ramane neschimbate. Achizitia acestei companii face parte dintr-o campanie mai mare initiata de Nokia prin care vrea sa devina un furnizor de servicii mobile, nu doar un producator de telefoane.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Fehlende Bandbreite...

Tjo damit schlage ich mich seit Freitag abend herum.

Entweder hat der ISP Probleme, oder aber Vista is schuld. Das ganze Wochenende hab ich nun Updates gefahren und wieder entfernt, ohne wirklich weiterzukommen. Da als ISP eigentlich bisher (fast) immer funktioniert hat, kan ich mir aber fast nicht vorstellen, daß der Fehler hier liegt.

Eher schon das irgendein Windows-Update oder Upgrade hier zu Fehlern führt. Schließlich zickt er teilweise schon damit überhaupt ein Netz zu finden. Nun mag meine hauptsächliche verbindungsweise (Laptop über USB ans Handy, und das als Modem nutzen) nicht gerade stellvertretend sein. Wahrscheinlich stelle ich damit sogar eher einen exotischen Fall dar. Aber Nichtsdestotrotz erwarte ich das ein recht aktueller Laptop (sogar Vista läuft eigentlich recht flott) in zusammenarbeit mit einem Nokia-Handy, das keine zwei Jahre alt ist, funktioniert.

Kann ja eigentlich nicht zu viel verlangt sein? Oder?

Sollte sich jemand wundern, wenn es in nächste zeit weniger Posts von mir gibt: Die Technik ist schuld.

Oder die Bügelwäsche. Args!


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Orange a lansat sistemul HD Voice in Moldova

Orange a ales Moldova pentru a lansa implementarea sistemului “HD Voice”. Acesta permite o calitate mai buna a semnalului audio prin folosirea unui codec mai performant si datorita latimii de banda oferita de tehnologia 3G. A fost prezentat de asemenea si primul telefon care suporta HD Voice, o versiune Nokia 6270 classic. Telefonul poate fi cumparat exclusiv din magazinele din Moldova. Orange planuieste sa isi extinda sistemul in toata Europa in anul 2010.


Friday, September 11, 2009

Interactivity Flourishes with Concept Cell Phone: The Nokia Morph

I was recently turned onto the following video regarding Nokia’s latest concept phone, the Nokia Morph. If you haven’t seen this yet, it is worth a look.

With all the converging technologies and the increasing demand for interactivity within the user interfaces we utilize on a daily basis, this concept phone is a prime example of a company redefining itself as a leader in the industry. Once made popular in early 2000 for their user-friendly, customizable cell phone design, we haven’t seen Nokia as a major player in the cell phone market for quite some time. Motorola, LG, Blackberry, Apple iPhone and Google Android seem to be the current frontrunner’s in this industry, but this may all change in the near future if Nokia has anything to say about it. If the aforementioned companies don’t have something in product development right now to compete with the concept behind Nokia’s Morph, they need to. And they need it fast.

The Morph combines a variety of interactive elements never before seen in the cell phone genre. First, we have the Morph’s physical flexibility, from thin foldout LED display to the phone’s ability to literally “morph” into the shape of a watch or bracelet. (Go, go Gadget phone?) This is something we’ve not seen before – unless you count the slap bracelets we all assaulted each other with in the late 80s. The beauty behind this product is that the nanotechnology that allows for the morphing feature of this phone has already been developed, it is just not yet affordable for the average tech-guru.

Another amazing aspect of this phone’s exterior is its self cleaning technology. The surface of Morph is superhydrophobic (Is that a phobia? Scared of liquids?) which makes it virtually dirt repellent. Also (and this feature may be marketed more towards female buyers, but is an amazing use of technology, nonetheless) the phone has the capability to change the color or pattern of its exterior.  Take a photo of your favorite wallpaper or curtain, and voila, your phone is instantly able to mimic the intricate colors and patterns it sees.

Of course, this is just a concept phone at the moment, but we are getting a first hand peek at what interactive cell phone technology could look like in just a few years. Nokia has done a great job in utilizing some key interactive aspects in designing this new model, and it will be interesting to see how the functionality is received by the public, if and when it hits the market.
