Saturday, December 12, 2009

Biggest Blooper of the Year Award Goes to…….

After a year full of uncertainty, I decided to join a 2 day photography workshop at Eastwood. For those of you who don’t know, that’s extremely far from where I live [Paranaque]. Because I was so excited for the workshop, I paid in advance and planned my weekend well.

5:30 am: Woke up, made an article for a client whose deadline is today.

6:00 am: Took a bath

6:50 am: Left the house, put gas in the car and air on the wheels

7:50 am: Arrived at Eastwood Mall [thanks God there's no traffic!]

8:00 am: Headed to Gallery 7, no sign of any living individual so I decided to go to Coffee Bean, order Southern Blend Iced Tea and a choco chip cookie [mmm... breakfast!]

8:20 am: Went back to Gallery 7, still no sign of human existence so went to the lounge and waited.

9:00 am: Waited… checked email and Facebook account through my E75 for any news about the workshop that I might have skipped out on. NONE.

9:30 am: Getting really frustrated since I still had to do tons of work and still sleepy. Called sister and asked her if I should go through with the workshop. She advises me to get mad at them.

9:45 am: Planning to get laptop and use internet. Used phone again for Facebook, made a frustrated comment on the page of Gallery 7’s account, checked their event post.

10:00 am: Uh-oh… Realized I’m a fool week ahead! The workshop is on Dec. 19-20 not Dec. 12-13.

Don’t know if I should laugh or be angry. But I’m feeling happy so I guess I’m laughing at myself!

Me A Year Ago


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