Thursday, February 25, 2010

Gaining some direction

The world is becoming a very lazy place to navigate, with Sat Nav becoming a commonplace feature on a lot of mobile handsets now - I do worry that the skill of being able to read a map is going to disappear. Whilst this may threaten the traditional names in navigation such as TomTom and Garmin it is opening up the possibilities of doing more with navigation and mapping both online and in a handheld format. And that has to be a good thing.

Geolocation services are springing up on more and more Apps and allowing people to interact more not only with their environment but also the people within it. A quick can of the “Nearby” function on Tweetie at any major event is a great way to gauge reaction and also see who is there!

I am very impressed with how Nokia have adopted the navigation and mapping services. They have made it part of the core functionality since the Nokia N80 and really got to grips with things with the Nokia N95, offering turn by turn voice navigation bundled with a lot of their contracts. It should be no surprise then that they were responsible for one of the world’s largest interactive installations recently in London. Check out the video below of their textable sign and integrated online campaign. It is beautifully executed and fabulously innovative.


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