Tuesday, February 2, 2010

MyNokiaBlog reaches 1 million views, breaks 170,000 views in January and wins a Golden Retrevo Award!

With the title as long as a title could be, first I’d just like to thank you for coming to MyNokiaBlog.com and reading our posts!

  • Today we’ve hit 1 Million views!
  • I’ve also just realised we’ve somehow broken 170,000 views in January 2010!
  • We also won a Golden Retrevo award!

I would have been very proud to make each one a separate post, but they’ve all come at once so I’ll group them all into one post!

170,000 views last month!

I’ve said it before, but although this view count is probably a drop in the ocean compared to the other blogs about Nokia, for me I’m genuinely impressed considering that 9 months ago, we’d get the same views in a month that MyNokiaBlog now gets in a day. To give another perspective, you guys helped MyNokiaBlog get more views in January 2010, than the combined whole year of 2008 + Sept to December 07.

In September last year we passed the 100,000 and that was only due to random traffic spikes. Thanks to all your support, for sticking around, reading our posts, subscribing to our RSS, retweeting our tweets and linking back to mynokiablog! :D We really wouldn’t have reached this if it wasn’t for you taking the time to visit us and read our posts ^_^

1 Million!

MyNokiaBlog started up in September 2007.  There were occasional posts. A few a week. Then maybe a few a month. Until one every few months. It was just (and still is) just a hobby blog (like surprisingly a lot of the mobile/nokia bloggers). It’s one of a few other things I have to juggle whilst being a Uni Student, keeping up with extra curricular responsibilities (proactive geek, ha!) balancing it all so it doesn’t affect my social life/grades/and of course, sleepz!

In our 28 months online, 65% of our views was made in the last 5 months. We started growing after an April Fools Joke on Nokia buying Palm, which Palm picked up and tweeted. From then, I gradually started blogging on a more regular basis. A few times a month….a few times a week….to now, about once a day.

I’m in my final year (and possibly going to do post graduate training) so in a few weeks, Uni work is going to be taking more focus. Hopefully I’ll keep improving in my juggling skills if I’m to keep up with everything :) Big thanks to Hiren, aka llaadd, who joined MyNokiaBlog in December. He’s been absolutely instrumental in MyNokiaBlog’s continued growth.

Of course, huge thanks to WOMWorld/Nokia for their continued support in lending trial handsets/accessories and event invites! We wouldn’t have been able to bring out as much new content if it wasn’t for them.

Whatever I can keep doing on this blog, ultimately, the intention will always be just a platform to document and voice my feedback and the feedback of communities on Nokia activities/services/products. It’s always cool to see Nokia picking up that feedback, be it simply just a fw feature suggestion.

Golden Retrevo Award! [Mobile Gadgets Category]

I’ve never heard about this before, I thought it was SPAM. I ignored the repeat emails saying we were nominated, and that I should promote my blog to get some votes.

Congratulations, MyNokiaBlog has been nominated for the first annual Golden Retrevo Awards. These awards honor the best and brightest independent bloggers of the gadget blogosphere. Nominations come from gadget enthusiast as well as Retrevo’s own panel of gadget experts.

Today, we had apparently won a Golden Retrevo award which made me think it was definitely SPAM. I wondered when the emails asking for my bank details would come next so I can receive my prize from a wealthy Nigerian prince.

But an email from Jennifer Jacobson of Retrevo said they saw my tweet and that they weren’t spam.

“Hi Jay,

I just saw your Tweet about The Golden Retrevo Award and wanted to clarify; it is not spam, and there is nothing you need to do. It looks like one of your readers nominated your blog a while back, for the awards. This is the first year for the Golden Retrevo Awards, so you wouldn’t have heard of it before. Retrevo is one of the top three consumer electronics shopping and review sites (with CNET and PC World).

We started the awards as a way to recognize outstanding achievements in the independent gadget blogosphere. The full page with winners is here: http://bit.ly/9TSWzO Please let me know if you have any other questions. Again, congratulations!”

Thanks again who ever nominated MyNokiaBlog and also who ever voted! Yay! We got an award! What’s even more cool is that we’re in the same list as those other properly popular blogs…especially DailyMobile! Now that is one heck of an impressive blog achievement.

I told  this to Taimas when I met him in October: I remember reading his Phattrance’s profile when he first began (I think it’s actually a touch younger than MyNokiaBlog) blogging and it mentioned that he was a full time blogger. I was like “how can you blog full time? There are so many blogs out there, you can’t just start off blogging mobile news. JUSTAMP was already doing that.

Now in such a short space, Daily Mobile is now one of the most popular hubs and aggregators of mobile news, with a new iPhone sister site too. Daily Mobile, is now at about 9 million views…a month!! So to be even put in the same list for whatever reason as DailyMobile, MobileWhack, iPhoneinCanada and CellFanatic, was for me, possibly as awesome as the Retrevo award itself.

So to all you,


[Via http://mynokiablog.com]

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