Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Video: This is how all cameras should work - 2 way auto photo sync between N900 and your Mac.

Imagine this scenario:

  • You take a photo on the N900.
  • It’s automatically in iPhoto on your mac…and you didn’t do anything – it’s all automatic, no cables, no sending over bluetooth, no sharing over web services, no memory card transfer – NOTHING you had to additionally do.
  • You edit the photo in iPhoto.
  • You browse the photos on your N900, the edited version is there…. without having to send it back or do anything at all!

Doing NOTHING? Really? But your Mac has to be On Sync right? NO.

You need to be in WiFi range right? NO. This can be done from ANYWHERE.

Is this even possible?! YES! If Steve Jobs and his posse were here he’d call it MAGICAL.

Check out the video below:

If I can avoid it, I hate wires/memory card transfers when sending over photos to my computer. All Nokia phone’s I’ve been using since the 7610 have allowed me to just send over my photos via bluetooth. No cables, no memory card, no fuss. Or from My computer I can just browse my phone’s folders over bluetooth like it’s already on my computer.

This goes one step further with a 2-way sync. The photos ARE on your computer already and you don’t have to think about transferring photos at all, nor have to be in bluetooth range. It’s automatically done, over 3G (I wonder if it can sync using another WiFi hotspot – like your friend’s house or work etc?)

I guess the only problems would be if you are taking a large bunch of photos and you’re killing your battery (even quicker than it does so with normal use) but I guess there’s a way to switch this off.

Also – would this be possible for PC users?

From the http://doitdifferent.wordpress.com/ “I” writes exactly why this hacking capability makes the N900 so great. You can really PUSH the N900!

Why does this make the N900 so great?

This is why I wanted to try out an N900, because I thought I’d be able to hack it to do cool things. And I can. Why? Because it’s based on linux, closely related to a desktop linux and most importantly it’s open. This means I can use scripts I prepared on my desktop *nix system (a Mac, in this case). I can use software written orignally for desktops, recompiled for the N900. There’s a wealth of software out there, all free, and I can look into the source and see how it all works. And the N900 is linux, so how it works under the hood is familiar to me, and so I can hack it to do new stuff so easily. I had this working withing 24 hours of getting the N900. That’s amazing, name any other phone you can create new, genuinely useful functions for that quickly. And I spent a lot of that first 24 hours working, or sleeping or doing other things with the N900. I wanted a trial N900 to answer the questions missing from other reviews. How easy is it to hack? Can you make it do cool stuff? The answer so far looks like “yes”.

VIA doitdifferent (via @mickyfin)

[Via http://mynokiablog.com]

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