Thursday, February 11, 2010

Videos: How to: Nokia N900 Custom Bootup/Startup Videos

Want a change from the connecting people hands as your startup? With the N900 you can change the video at bootup/startup. This can be any short clip that the N900 is able to play. Preferably “.avi”. Instructions on how to do this yourself are at the end of this post. Below are some examples of custom startup videos:

1. Nseries N900

2. Blue sparkle

3. Here’s a really nice one, N900 vanishing

4.  And another great one from the same user – N900 heart beat

5. The longer version

6.  Here’s a double, initially with Nokia hands and then

Note, the original and dark version can be downloaded from this thread.

7. This is from an advert for the N97 with custom fist bump

8. I am Shodan

9. Edit of number 4 with bruce lee

10. Saw! Here’s Jigsaw.

11. Here’s a different start up

The original video link:

12. Dream theatre

How to?

Instructions are originally from this post at If you have any problems, please go to that thread.

Also check out this thread by user, claesbas (which I think started off all the other many threads on this topic)

[Fingers crossed one day claesbas' idea that this becomes a simple one step app comes to fruition. Check this thread out]

Things you will need:

  1. default.conf file (you will need to edit this, currently it is specific to the video: maemo.avi). Just save this onto your desktop
  2. rootsh (download and install to N900)
  3. leafpad (from app manager, install to N900. This is to edit default.conf file to match the custom video title, which at the moment is specific only to maemo.avi)
  4. a little patience with xterminal if (like me) you don’t know how to use it


Backup or move “Hands-v32-h264.avi” just in case you want to return to it later. [Exactly how to do this, I don't know :s]

Ok, now we’re ready. This is how to install maemo.avi. You will need to alter the default.conf when you change to a different video.

1. Copy default.conf and maemo.avi to the N900’s documents folder

2. Open the application “X Terminal” and type

sudo gainroot mv /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/default.conf /etc/hildon-welcome.d/ mv /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/maemo.avi /opt/ cd /usr/share/hildon-welcome/media/ ln -s /opt/maemo.avi maemo.avi

3. You should be done and have a new custom boot video.

How to add your own custom videos?

I’m not sure if this will work (recommended instructions with leafpad after):

1. just rename any future custom video file “maemo.avi”

2. Open the application “X Terminal” and type

sudo gainroot mv /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/default.conf /etc/hildon-welcome.d/ mv /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/maemo.avi /opt/ cd /usr/share/hildon-welcome/media/ ln -s /opt/maemo.avi maemo.avi

Once you get the hang of it, the final things to worry about are your graphic-design/video-editing skills.

Leafpad recommended instructions

In leafpad, edit the “default.conf” file to match the file name of your video


Instead of



you’ll change it to:



  • Then add your modified “default.conf” and “customclip.avi” to N900’s documents folder

2. Open the application “X Terminal” and type

sudo gainroot mv /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/default.conf /etc/hildon-welcome.d/ mv /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/insertownvideoname.avi /opt/ cd /usr/share/hildon-welcome/media/ ln -s /opt/insertownvideoname.avi insertownvideoname.avi Where to get more video clips? Make them!

  1. Find a favourite video clip. There are millions on youtube. To download youtube videos, one way is through
  2. [You might need to convert .flv from keep vid to something your video editing software will recognize] See 5.
  3. Crop a favourite video to a shorter clip. Windows Movie Maker will do.
  4. Add fade out to black to there’s no abrupt ending of the video.
  5. Check if the N900 can play that file. Find “VIDEO CONVERTER” software to convert it into .avi if your video editor doesn’t allow it. Here’s a free one. But I recommend total video converter [not free]
  6. Then follow the instructions again on how to put this on your N900.


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